Tuesday 4 February 2014


I read something yesterday about writing. It was quite strident and ran along the lines of, ‘So you want to be a writer? Stop blogging! Why waste your time on one or two when many more could be reading your novels?’

All well and good, I thought, but I’ll take the one or two over the none and be encouraged by their interest. It’s no good publishing a novel if no-one is going to read it.

However, I have published one* and intend to publish two or three more this year. Whoops! Brave words – must follow them up with action – that is, editing, proofreading and, in one case at least, finishing the first draft (and then editing, etc.) Action will be put to one side for the next week at least as I shall be looking after Frankie. I know, excuses, excuses . . .

(*The Sweets and the Bitters of Love’ is available on Kindle, £0.77 in UK, $1.15 in USA – free to borrow if you’re a Prime customer!)


  1. I do agree it is no good publishing a novel if no one is going to read it. Glad you have published, Janice. I will have to take a look at your book on Amazon!

  2. I shall be looking for that book .... but please don't stop blogging.

    1. I won't stop. I'd miss everyone too much.

  3. Absolutely, and it does seem to me, that the more I blog, the more inspired I am to write, and hence, I will get that other novel out of me yet!

    1. I agree. Blogging tends to get the juices running, somehow.

  4. I started blogging thinking it would get me going on a book... but the blog has taken over!

  5. Good for you! I'm afraid I'm sticking to blogging because I like the back and forth interaction more.

  6. Hi Janice - sorry been slow myself this year .. loved seeing the cats and their jumps ... but yes I'd rather be here blogging (on the other hand of course I'm not (yet) publishing anything) - still I enjoy the interaction and camaraderie ..

    Cheers and I hope some dryness and Spring come along soon - enjoy the Frankie time ... probably looking forward to the next time now .. stay safe and dry - Hilary

  7. That's wonderful about your book! I hope you continue to do both!


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