Tuesday, 4 February 2025

I don't know

I don't know . . .

 . . . where I saw this wonderful proverb. 

If I nicked it from your blog, I apologise. I thought it expressed so clearly what so many of us are thinking right now, in different countries across the world. 


  1. Oh that is a good one! Certainly what I'm thinking lol

  2. That quite certainly fits for one particular person who seems to like tariffs.

  3. Bravo for sharing this and never a better time to do so. I hope all is going well with dear Gilbert.

  4. I've been seeing that a lot lately for some reason... I do know the reason and it is, sadly, quite appropriate.

  5. I've seen that many times since his first election, and it's more relevant and terrifying now.

  6. True, but understated! When a psychotic moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king. The palace becomes a psychiatric institution.


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