Thursday, 6 February 2025


Another birthday

It was Barry’s birthday on Monday and the day passed quietly. In the main, we have gone beyond the stage of buying gifts for each other. It is almost impossible to find something he hasn’t already got, and if he hasn’t got it, he has no interest in acquiring it.

Occasionally, I give him a bottle of fine brandy or port, but he rarely drinks, so the bottles last for a long time. I can find books to interest him, the one pictured here being an example. It is a book to dip into, I think, and we shall both enjoy it.

Otherwise, we each decide if there’s something we would like, we discuss it, it is agreed, and we buy it. It is not the most exciting way to bestow gifts, but it pleases us. Our joy in giving is mainly confined to seeking out presents for the youngest members of our family. There are currently seven under twelve years of age, with a new one expected in March.

Children and grandchildren called and sent messages to wish him a happy birthday. Charlie and Jack sang to him, which was sweet, and Gillian also serenaded him.

He had decided that a(nother) cordless electric screwdriver was something he would really like, and after much research - there’s always detailed research! – he selected one that satisfied his exacting requirements. Cordless electric secateurs were also on his wish list. They have arrived and have already been put to good use and declared excellent, relieving the hands of much hard work. An extension pole arrived today so that the many trees and bushes we have rapturously planted in the decades we have lived here can now be pruned and shaped and otherwise made good.

All these things are rechargeable!

I think the thing that pleased him most, though, was the appointment that was made, of which more anon.

                        Look at those lovely noses! I love dogs' noses.


  1. Happy Birthday Barry! I think the birthday wishes mean more than presents. As I get older (and am trying to get rid of stuff!) I find that spending time with people is more important than stuff.

  2. Carlos and I are the same; we have what we need and want, and so we use birthdays and such to do something or go somewhere that we haven't yet.

    1. Some people I know lay great store by birthdays, and young children, of course, find them most important.

  3. We were the same in the last few years of our relationship. We already had what we wanted. Usually the best we could do for each other was a bottle of Scotch, which did not last long. I used to enjoy shopping with Ray for gifts, but now I give the 'greats' cash, $20 for under six and from then on, $50. The same at Christmas. My young niece Jo gets the same.

    1. It's nice to mark the youngsters' birthdays, though they don't expect it.

  4. Belated Happy Birthday to Barry.
    We stopped gift giving years ago too. I no longer receive a card either but it doesn't seem very important these days.
    Now, rechargeable secateurs...that sounds like something I could do with.

    1. The secateurs are very easy for the hands, which don't tire or cramp as they otherwise might.

  5. Rechargable anything is always a good idea. I usually give gift cards from a store I know the person likes, or just a generic card which they can use anywhere. I do buy actual gifts for the smallest members of the family, there are only three of them thank goodness.

    1. The smallest ones are fun to buy for and the adults have a chance to play again with toys!

  6. Who knew there was such a thing as rechargeable secateurs! I shall have to investigate!

    1. I haven't tried them yet, but they relieve the hands of much stress.

  7. It seems a very interesting book to read

    1. I love listening to the Shipping Forecast on the radio, especially late at night.

  8. Happy birthday Barry, we are the same, when it come to gifts for each other, it's hard to surprise someone when they have all they want. We have been reusing the same cards each event for years, it's fun.

    1. I wish we had done that, although in our house that would create extra stress as we would be bound to 'tidy away' and not be able to find!

    2. I do have a card drawer, having said that we could not find our anniversary cards last September.

  9. I find it impossible not to choose what someone else might like, even my nearest and dearest. I always consult them, and often give money so they can buy it themselves. Happy birthday Barry, and many more of them

    1. There are no surprises here, either, but at least there's no disappointment, either.

  10. Happy Belated Birthday to Barry.

  11. Hi Janice - happy birthday to Barry ... it sounds an ideal day - he got to play with purchases to be made ... and now he doesn't have to strain himself when he prunes down the garden plantings. The book looks fun ... and lovely to have the grandchildren calling in ... sounds an ideal winter birthday ... cheers Hilary

    1. It makes February a little more bearable, it's true.

  12. But are they cordless electric noses?

  13. we do the same thing with gifts. if there is something we want but do not need, we get it for ourselves. of course with bob, he tells me and I get it for him. most of the time we get nothing because we are being careful with what we WANT these days.. that is lot of gifts to buy with that many under 12 to buy for.. Love those noses.. always have and always will.. just about now is time for our NOSE to lay on my keyboard and say, get breakfast mama

    1. I love it when the dogs lay their heads on my leg. It's the cats that sit on the keyboard.

  14. Love that last picture, the top nose looks like our Dakota!

  15. Happy birthday wishes to Barry. Glad to know that he found a good battery operated tool. We are using more of those around our house also. Much more convenient than dragging the electric cord 100 ft behind you. Love your last picture of the puppy noses.

    1. It's too easy to trip over wires, and they always seem to tangle.

  16. We still always manage to do something. Sha and the kids are always included in some way.

  17. I listened to that book on bbcsounds; it was very enjoyable.

    1. I must look it out and listen when I stitch.

  18. In our house there's always some type of needed doodad that can be given as a gift. I keep a running list of things I would like in case one of the kids asks.

  19. Happy Birthday to Barry. That's a good way of doing gifts. It's hard when we get older. We have everything we need and if there's something we want we simply go out and buy it.
    Love the dog noses.

    1. Dog's noses are the sweetest things, questing and wet and insistent.

  20. Happy birthday to Barry. I guess that we are in the same place, really. There is nothing that we want or need, but I have to tell you that I get a lot of joy about buying for the grands and my children.

    1. It's nice to receive, but so much nicer to give.

  21. A belated Happy Birthday to Barry :) we feel the same way about gift giving to each other. We have been busy downsizing rather than adding things. We do enjoy buying gifts for others though.

    1. We don't do any downsizing, though I keep suggesting it, just as I add something else unnecessary to the clutter.

  22. p.s. love the dog captions and the book looks interesting.

    1. Thank you! I was so pleased with the dog cards.

  23. Wishing Barry a belated happy birthday!
    We are actually the same, and hardly ever buy each other presents. And I can't even buy Jos a bottle of brandy as neither of us drinks alcohol :-)
    The cordless secateurs sound great, I might buy myself a pair to tackle our sorely neglected garden! xxx

    1. The electric secateurs save a lot of wear and tear on the hands, I'm told.

  24. That sounds like a great way to celebrate a birthday.

    I know the feeling about finding gifts - it's impossible for DH. I always ask for candles as not only do I love candles but they need renewing regularly as I burn them.

  25. Cake? I'm in 🍽️Happy Birthday, Barry

    1. . . . but there wasn't any . . . s'nf, s'nf. 🙄

  26. Wishing Barry a Happy Birthday, and hope all of you (dogs included) enjoyed the cake.

    1. We would have enjoyed it, had there been any . . . 😗😒

  27. Belated Happy Birthday Wishes to Barry.

    I do think (and find) the older I get it's time spent with family (or messages/telephone calls exchanged) that mean so much.
    You just can't beat it :)

    All the best Jan

  28. Belated birthday wishes to Barry :)
    Cordless secateurs (pruners, here) intrigue me - I've never known there was anything but the manual variety. Using the manual ones aggravates my carpal tunnel symptoms, but I'm kind of afraid I'd cut a finger off with the other type!!

    1. As you might expect, there are countless videos on YouTube and the cautions are always about making sure your fingers don't get anywhere near the cutting parts. One even advised keeping the hand not holding the secateurs in your pocket.

    2. That's a good idea; I just hope I would remember to do it throughout the process :D

  29. Happy belated birthday, Barry. Sounds like you had a great birthday.

    1. Thank you, He enjoyed is quiet day, not that our days are usually riotous.

  30. A very happy belated birthday to Barry! I hope that he had a good day!
    Seems like cake was the order of the day in your house… and mine!
    We don’t usually give each other too much as we have got to the age where we have everything that we need. I keep telling the children not to spend on us…but they usually ignore that!

    1. Children are hard-wired to ignore what their parents say. 🙄

  31. Electric secateurs? Now that's a good idea. I am fed up of rubbish ones. Belated happy birthday, Barry! There is a radio programme based on that book.

    1. He's very pleased with them. Everything is being chopped - and that's usually my forte.

  32. We decided the same no gift anymore between us, but usually we went to an Italian (of course) restaurant. Rick also broke the rule, he bought me a cat figure for my birthday ! I think he bought it rather for himself, I was only the excuse !

    1. Those are the best gifts - the ones that please the donor as well as, or even more than, the recipient.

  33. Only a week late, but I hope Barry had a Happy Birthday. I'm liking the sound of those secateurs. They just might be mentioned in passing conversation very soon in this corner.
    Dog noses - such a cute picture.

    1. The secateurs have been pronounced a very good purchase.


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