Friday, 28 February 2025


Lumbar decompression

Still recovering, not much patience, but improving day by day.

Sense of humour has departed temporarily, but I’m sure it will return.

Reading and enjoying your blogs and commenting here and there, but with a head full of cotton wool, I’m not sure I’m making much sense.

Have a good weekend, everyone.


  1. Good to see you here again. albeit in a woolly manner!
    Hope your recovery continues apace.

  2. Take your time. No rush, we'll still be here. I hope you'll be recovered soon.

  3. Do whatever you need to do to be well. Your health must be your number one priority.

  4. I'm so sorry you are laid up. Hopefully you'll be better soon. You've got a cute blog. I enjoyed the little funnies. Take care. Leslie

  5. Hi Janice - you just rest up ... so good to see you here and to have noted you 'around' ... take care - all the best - Hilary

  6. Glad to hear from you, here's hoping you improve quickly, nice to read your sense of humour has not totally left you.

  7. Was this the issue that had you stuck on the floor a few weeks back? I hope you get meaningful/useful improvement as you seem to have such an active life with all your family and pets.

  8. Lumbar decompression sounds like quite a procedure... hope you make a quick recovery.

  9. Wishing you relief from pain and the wooly head. Recovery periods can really suck.

  10. its hard to use a computer with back pain, or it is for me, and I can related to loss of humor, mine went missing the past couple of weeks. its rare for me to miss 4 or 5 days in a row.. hope you feel better soon.

  11. Good to hear you are recovering okay Janice - don't worry your sense of humour will return!!! Take it easy & take care - we will be here waiting. xx. (Julie from my threadbear life)

  12. Hope you recover quickly. In good hands, a week is more than enough.

  13. Hope you recover quickly. Take care.

  14. Many thanks for stopping by at the low carb diabetic, it was lovely to see you back and commenting.

    Wishing you well as you rest, recover and recuperate.
    Take care and take your time.

    All the best Jan

  15. Been missing you, and I was pleased to see your comment pop up yesterday.

  16. I am sure that spinal surgery is extremely difficult. Hang in there.

  17. Cheers to the recovery! Take your time, we'll be here.

  18. Wishing you a super speedy recovery; appreciated your comment on my blog the other day. I know through a close family member how difficult spinal surgery can be.

  19. Sorry to hear about the back problem. It's hard to have a good sense of humor when you're hurting. Sending healing thoughts your way

  20. I hope that you feel better soon. Sending hugs x

  21. Sending healing hugs your way. Missing your blog posts. Take care!

  22. I hate being under the weather! Hoping that you're back to normal soon.

  23. You are usually so regular that I was wondering what had happened to you. Thanks for signalling your presence.

  24. You are an impatient patient?

    All joking aside, I hope you are back on your feet soon.

  25. Not only the sense of humour disappears, but the memory becomes unreliable and the eye sight fades :( Hopefully the head full of cotton wool clears quickly, even if the lower spine takes longer.

  26. I hate having a head full of cottonwool! I get it during allergy season. I hope the recovery continues as it should with no unexpected surprises. Take it easy and follow orders from doctors and therapists.

  27. Take good care of yourself. Take the time you need to do that!

  28. Rest and recover and your sense of humour will rejuvenate too.

  29. Oh no…you must get better asap..I order it!
    Seriously, look after yourself! Have the best weekend that you can. 😁

  30. Oh no, hope you're feeling better soon. It's no fun at all being out of action.

  31. Even a brief update from you is welcome. May your good healing pick up speed!

  32. Healing Energies being sent across the Pond for you.

  33. Yikes! Take care of yourself!

  34. Good to hear you're improving!

  35. Wishing you a speedy recovery, Janice! xxx

  36. Hope you feel better soon!

  37. Sending good wishes your way. Speedy Recovery.

    1. Its Judee - forgot to sign in

  38. Sending healing wishes for a speedy recovery. Hoping each day you feel a little stronger and the cotton wool head feeling lifts very soon. Take care x

  39. Wishing you a speedy recovery. I am with you on the patience bit.. I would not make a good patient.

  40. Hope you're better soon. I only have a cold and I'm a miserable so'n'so.

  41. Thinking of you x
    Alison in Wales x

  42. That does not sound fun at all. I hope you feel better very soon.

  43. Stopping by to check in on you. Glad to hear that you are moving in the right direction. Easy to understand how your sense of humor is in hiding. Hope it won't be too much longer until you feel back to normal. Take good care.

  44. It is very hard to be a patient patient when one is in so much pain. I hope you feel better soon. Back problems are horrible.

  45. Poor girl ! Nothing is worse when you are not feeling well ! I am slowly feeling much better since I inhale a new powder, at least I walk better because I can breath, I walked like a drunken sailor on a wiggle waggle ship ! Everybody stretched their arms to help me not falling, but it only looked as I would fall !

  46. I am sorry about your back. (I assume that's what it is.) Hope you feel better each day and that you're back to normal soon! Glad you still have your sense of humor.


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