I just had to shut down the computer for a bit as I needed some affection from the humans. I sat on the keyboard – that always gets their attention.
Anyway, I needed the cuddles because one of the humans shut me in the bedroom and I had to scratch loudly on the door before anyone came to let me out. I'd been there for HOURS and they hadn't even noticed I was missing. It was lucky I'd had breakfast (turkey neck and chicken livers – YUM) or I might not have had the strength to keep up the scratching.
Of course, they said it was accidental but I'm not so sure. Yesterday they shut me and Monty in the kitchen all day while they went to visit one of the other humans. I suppose we had it better than the dogs, though; at least we had the conservatory as well so we could indulge our hobby. What's that? Our hobby? Ornithology, that's what me and Monty like. The dogs just had the sitting room.
It's very busy in the garden right now – lots of birds flying around. One of them flew into the patio door the other day – deafening thud but it didn't fall on the ground like they sometimes do, just flew off into the shrubs.
I've put up some pictures of me and Monty. He's an Ocicat just like me but he's not my brother, he's a month older than me. You can see he's a different colour – it's called Chocolate Silver. I'll tell you more about him another time. TTFN.
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