Sunday 2 December 2012

A New Baby and a New Book

A new baby and a new book
Thibié at one hour old

My daughter’s baby was born yesterday at 2:06 pm. He’s a healthy 8lb 4oz beautiful boy and as yet unnamed. The names Susannah and Nick favoured before he was born don’t seem to ‘fit’ him but I’m sure they’ll find something to suit very soon. I call him Thibié - that is, TBA - To Be Announced!

We’re hoping to go and see him in the next couple of days, though we may wait until mother and baby are at home. Susannah is feeling done in after a Caesarean section and barely able to stand up so doesn’t want to see anyone other than Nick until she’s stronger. I remember that feeling so well and at least I can reassure her it is all completely normal and she will improve little by little each day.
Thibié at twenty-four hours old
Meanwhile, the previous day, and after much work as an amateur compositor (!) by my husband, my first novel was published on Amazon. ‘The Sweets and the Bitters of Love’ is in Kindle format and is available free for loan to Prime customers, or can be purchased at the exorbitant price of £0.77/$1.23. Do go and have a look if you’re curious and maybe even read it and write a review.

If you find yourself wondering about the author’s name, Jane Hartley May, the reason is that my mother wanted to call me Jane but couldn’t because my surname was Mayne – Jane Mayne – you can imagine I would soon have become Plain Jane Mayne – so she called me Janice. To honour her I took her preferred choice of name and added her maiden name to it and shortened Mayne to May, so there you have it – Jane Hartley May.


  1. Oh my gosh Janice, congratulations on the arrival of your grandson, he is precious. I bet you can't wait to see him. Lovely to hear about the new book also.

  2. Congratulations on the book and the new addition! Your new grandson looks absolutely gorgeous. :-)

  3. Oh, I wish I lived closer. I'm a journeyman compositor, retired. So nice of Barry to help, though, and of course these days it doesn't matter how much I know about typesetting if I don't understand the program being used.
    Sigh. I remember the early 70s, when oldtime printers were first introduced to computerized equipment. The air was blue, and it wasn't ink.
    Have saved this page so I'll remember to go to Amazon for your book. Congratulations, Janice. I'm sure you feel wonderful, and nervous, and elated, and giddy, and a whole raft of other feelings.
    Here's hoping it's a winner.
    Luv, K

  4. PS —
    I went on and on about compositors and didn't say how wonderful your grandson is. It will be very interesting to find out what name they choose to suit him when the pre-chosen names didn't. What fun.
    The first photo didn't open for me, but I got the second one, and he has such a sweet face while being very much a boy.
    Luv, K

  5. Many congrats on the birth of your grandson. Im off to amazon to purchase that book !!

  6. Hi Janice - so pleased all is well ... except for poor Susannah with her caesarian ... very painful I imagine.

    Delighted Master TBA is safe and well and he looks just wonderful.

    Well done on getting the book up there - I will look/get once I have that magic kindle!

    I too couldn't get the first photo up - but the 2nd is so delightful ..

    Cheers and much happy news to celebrate - happy grandmother!!!! Hilary

  7. Congrats on the book. Looks very classy!

  8. What a handsome grandson, Janice. You must be so proud. I will definitely be downloading your book on Kindle. Ha, I haven't been able to read any of the books I already have there...but I will have yours stored for a 'rainy day.' I have been thinking about Winston and hope he is doing okay. Thanks for emailing me...and he is in my thoughts!

  9. Double congratulations to you! That baby is so beautiful I just want to kiss his little face!

    And I love the pen name you've used on your book. Great stuff that. May you be blessed with a million sales!

  10. Congratulations twice over. That baby is just gorgeous!

  11. Well Rachel said it first -- congratulations twice over! We had similar problems finding names for our boys, that were appropriate with "Jones".
    I will see if I can track down your book. I don't have a kindle because I am trying to prevent technology taking over my life!

  12. Congratulations on "both" of your babies. Your grandson is adorable, and I wish you all the best with your book.

  13. Double congratulations, double celebrations I am sure. Much happiness to you all. Wonderful times!

  14. Congrats on the book!
    Awww, that face is simply... irresistible!

  15. Congratulations on both counts! x

  16. Congratulations on the new arrival!

    And very well done on the book - I love your choice of pen name too!

    I am still working on my 1st nanowrimo novel! (I have a second one waiting to be finished too!) So admire the fact that you actually managed to complete one. :-)

    I haven't got a kindle or ebook reader, so can't read it at present. :-( But I wish you the very best with it. It must be exciting to have it 'out there'.

    Well done. x

  17. Congratulations on your book and your grandbaby!

  18. Congratulations on this beautiful baby. What a blessing babies are! I hope your daughter is feeling well soon.
    I'm always wishing I had a Kindle. Amazon's books won't go on anything else. I have a Sony.

    You are such a great writer. I knew you had a book in you!! Congrats on a new book and a new family member.


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