Sunday 10 May 2015

Mag 269

In a post-apocalyptic world Mary knew that her beliefs would cause her trouble but her mission was to proselytise no matter what the consequences. She sang, she preached, she prayed, and always she was aware that she was being watched and that reports were being sent to the authorities.  

Came the day when she was arrested and found guilty, without recourse to common justice, of sedition. Her sentence, banishment to the outer reaches of the universe, did not seem so terrible, for she could continue her work there. It was not like the dreadful punishments suffered by earlier saints, for so she knew she would become. Not for her the excruciating torment of being burned alive, or of being lowered into boiling water. She was to be sent into space, suitably garbed – it would be hard never to breathe sweet fresh air, to feel the sun or breeze upon her skin but she would survive.

A short time into her journey she was informed that her life support system would be removed from her and she would be jettisoned into the outer darkness – an unimaginable end awaited her. She closed her eyes and prayed.

Thanks to Tess for this prompt. Go here to read others' offerings.


  1. Alas.. to become a saint you have to suffer... but I think the end will come quickly,

  2. well done! By the way I love your header photo? Where is that? Cheers!

    1. Thank you, Kathe. The photo was taken in Simons Wood, Berkshire, UK.

  3. That's the best thing to do, close your eyes wait and see :) !

  4. Causally Deterministically Fated

  5. Great tale and rather scary. Perhaps our future.

    1. Who knows? I hope not but fear otherwise . . .

  6. Wow! You got me! That was breathtaking.

  7. I am eagerly awaiting Part 11!!

  8. Great job with this! I find myself holding my breath that Mary will find a way out…


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