Sunday 28 April 2024

Roxy makes a friend


Roxy makes a friend

                                            Roxy meets Rosie

Roxy trotted off to see her friends the vets earlier this week for a check-up. She always likes visiting them because they’re so nice to her and she usually (actually always!) receives a treat or two . . . or three.

She was checked over thoroughly and pronounced fit and in good condition. Her teeth were particularly remarked upon and they certainly are nice and white and clean. The daily carrots and chews are doing their job, obviously.

Roxy is very friendly and likes meeting new dogs, so she was very pleased to see a dog behind the Reception desk. Rosie is a Labrador/Rottweiler cross and she was just as happy to make Roxy’s acquaintance.

                        Gilbert awaits Roxy's return. Note the piglet!

Gilbert was rather perturbed that Roxy went out with Barry and he had to stay at home with me, so he was very pleased to see them when they returned. He sniffed Roxy all over, to learn where she’d been and what she’d been up to.

Today, Friday, they both stayed at home with me while Barry went out to meet some friends for lunch. They were delighted when he came home, Gilbert presenting him with his latest toy – Gilbert’s toy, that is, not Barry’s.

                        Gilbert loves his little piglet. It makes a lovely noise!


  1. Uy que bien por Roxy. Me enamore de tus perritos. Te mando un beso.

  2. How nice for Roxy to make a new friend. i don't have a dog, but I do have a dog toy, it's a rubber "Yoda" (from Star Wars movies) and makes a fart sound when squeezed.

  3. How wonderful that Roxy is so social & loves other dogs. That is great!! I love the photo of Gilbert waiting for her to return again - toy at the ready. xx

    1. Roxy and Gilbert are very close and play together a lot.

  4. This is very cute: Gilbert was rather perturbed that Roxy went out with Barry and he had to stay at home, so he was very pleased to see them on return. He sniffed Roxy all over, to learn where she’d been.

    I love the idea of dogs socialising together, showing warmth to each other, excitement and perhaps some concern.

    1. As far as we know, they have no understanding that a friend's absence will not be forever. Who knows what we will learn of them in the future.

  5. Nice to see Roxy and the new friend :-)

    1. It would be nice for them to play together.

  6. Well done Roxy for being such a Good Dog at the vets, and keeping hose teeth pearly white. Nobby too loves going any place where he might meet other pups. He also loves a squeaky toy!
    Cheers, Gail.

    1. I'm glad she's never reluctant to visit the vet - some of our dogs have been.

  7. It's always cheering to see Gilbert and Roxy. Rosie looks to be a good-natured new friend. I like the new "background" for your blog.

  8. Thank you, Stephanie. I have been 'messing about!'

  9. She is a sweet-natured dog.

  10. Pink background to match Gilbert's pink piglet 😍
    These are lovely photos. Our young westie howls when Lab Jas goes anywhere without him, it's rather pitiful but fortunately he can usually be distracted by a game of ball!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Separation anxiety of a different order. I hope Jas is kind to him:-)

    2. Oh yes, they are best pals and she puts up with a lot from him 😉😀 X
      Alison x

  11. It's much easier to gift someone else's toy, don't you think?

    1. He's very generous with his toys, usually at inconvenient times!

  12. Great news for Roxy's teeth. And Gilbert, I am sure you were glad when your sister got home.

  13. I'm glad to read that Roxy was pronounced fit and healthy, and that she made friends with Rosie! xxx

    1. Rosie looks such a friendly dog - beautiful eyes.

  14. How awesome that she was fit and healthy. Great she made friends too.

    1. She's a very friendly dog, loves people and other dogs.

  15. Aww I did enjoy this post.
    So pleased the vets visit went well.
    Lovely photographs, the last one is so sweet.

    All the best Jan

    1. It's always a relief when there's nothing that requires further investigation :-)

  16. Gilbert's nose in the last photo looks to be very 'boopable'.

  17. He's got a lovely nose and it's always into everything - the helping nose, we call it.

  18. Roxy and Rosie - how nice to become new doggie friends. Love Gilbert's new toy piglet friend too.

    1. The piglet complements the larger pig. Honestly, you'd think we have human babies in our house!

  19. That last photo - oh, my heart!

  20. How adorable the last photo is. Dogs can be so funny. My daughter and son-in-law currently have two - one a black husky and the other a Great Pyrenees/Australian Cattle Dog mix. They are really lovely dogs. The latter is a new addition as sadly my daughter had to put Shasta (her husky) to sleep. The Puppy is goofy and copies the other dog (not all good things lol). They always are so excited when we visit.

  21. we've always had dogs and our children and (adult) grandchildren have followed suit.
    I love to see dogs interacting - they always know who is at the top of the hierarchy, even if they are much, much bigger than the top dog!


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