Wednesday 26 September 2012

FedEx - the hidden message

FedEx Home

There is an arrow concealed between E and x – it symbolises speed and precision.

FedEx Home

I wonder what other subliminal messages we are receiving through logos and advertising.


  1. There's also a little spoon in the lower half of the first "e"

    See it?

  2. In the Goodwill logo, there's a smilie face.

  3. Amazing. I never noticed that before, but it is as clear as day, now that you mention it.

  4. I never noticed that before. I'll looking at signage more closely from now on.

  5. Oh Jabblog, many, many I'm sure. When you've taught high school as long as I have you know just how creative, (deviant?)the human mind can be. The worst I ever saw was the WTC on fire made out of a $20 bill only a couple of days after the attack.

  6. AFTERTHOUGHT: I don't mean to imply that I think there is any significance to the $20 bill trick, but just wondering what kind of unbalanced mind would either think to create such a thing by paper folding or would pick up on the significance of the image while innocently paper folding.

  7. I never noticed that before! I bet there are a lot of things I don't notice like that!

  8. I never noticed that before either! But then, I'm a UPS wife, so we don't like to mention the "F word" around here. ;-)


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