Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Chilly nights


Chilly nights

                        Top to bottom,  Jellicoe, Roxy and Herschel

Jellicoe and Herschel like to snuggle up with Roxy, particularly if the temperature is dropping at bedtime.

Roxy is like a large hot water bottle, except that she retains her heat. She jumps up onto the bed and quickly settles down next to me. Very soon she is joined by Jellicoe, who squeezes in between us. He carefully grooms her head, before relaxing into a limp, almost boneless, bundle of warmth.

Herschel lies at the other side of Roxy, purring until he lapses into loudly snoring sleep. Thus, they spend the chilly nights, wrapped in each other’s body warmth. At some point the cats will each depart the bed to prowl and yowl throughout the house, leaving Roxy to stretch and sleep on.

Gilbert, meanwhile, sleeps in the wardrobe, in his own little den.


  1. That's hilarious! And this is the third dog I've known named Roxy.

  2. It's a wonder there's any room for you! I love your descriptions and photos.

  3. I think Gilbert's the smart one, getting his own space all to himself!

  4. Wearing cats- trend setter! Delicious photo of the three of them. Beautiful animals so well loved and cared for- refreshing!

  5. My cat Lola loves to snuggle under the covers with me in winter.

  6. What a funny picture. Is there room for you and Barry?

  7. How precious they are Janice. Just so sweet.

  8. Gilbert might snore, so the others sent him to sleep inside the wardrobe :)

  9. Hi Janice - they are amazing aren't they ... they're with us, and just switch off and keep warm together or with us. It is still mighty cold - still the sun is out today - cheers to you two - Hilary

  10. Lol at Hels comment.
    I think I read that it came from indigenous people, where it the night temperature might be described as a 'three dog night'. (No, scrap that. It seems a universal expression) Meaning you would need three dogs snuggled up to you to stay warm. Add and subtract dogs at your will to keep a comfortable temperature.

  11. So who gets the most restful night's sleep?

  12. I can't stop smiling.. the bed shot is wonderful but the 3 of them sleeping melts my heart.

  13. Hopefully you don't need to wriggle much in the night, our cat sleeps downstairs and comes into our room once she hears our radio, her favourite basket is under the radiator, where the warm pipes run.


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