Sunday, 23 March 2025

A repost to raise a smile


A repost to raise a smile

I don’t know where I found the following joke, but it made me smile. However, if you are blonde, or easily offended, or both, it might be better to skip this post.

With apologies to all the blondes I know and love . . . male and female.


Blonde on a plane

A plane was flying to Toronto when a blonde in economy class got up moved to the firstclass section and sat down.

The flight attendant asked to see her ticket. She then told the blonde that she had paid for economy class and would have to return there.

The blonde replied, ‘I’m blonde, I’m beautiful, I’m going to Toronto and I’m staying right here.’

The flight attendant went to the cockpit and told the pilot and co-pilot that there was a blonde bimbo sitting in first class who had an economy ticket but wouldn’t move back to her seat.

The co-pilot went to talk to the blonde. He explained that she would have to return to economy because she had only paid for economy.

The blonde replied, ‘I’m blonde, I’m beautiful, I’m going to Toronto and I’m staying right here.’

The co-pilot returned to the cockpit and told the pilot that he should probably have the police waiting to arrest this blonde woman who wouldn’t listen to reason when they land in Toronto.

The pilot said, ‘You say she’s a blonde? I’m married to a blonde, I’ll handle this, I speak blonde.’

He left the cockpit and spoke quietly to the blonde. She said, ‘Oh, I’m so sorry,’ and got up and returned to economy.

The flight attendant and the co-pilot were astonished and asked the pilot what he had said.

‘I told her, first class isn’t going to Toronto.’



  1. Surely everybody on that plane would be heading to Toronto - it wouldn't matter which section you happened to be sitting in.

  2. OMG!! That last line made me glad I had already swallowed my water.

  3. Nothing against blondes but ... 😁

  4. LOL! Most blondes are "box" blondes anyhow, so there aren't many real ones to offend :)

    1. Very true. Even the adult natural blondes in my family rely on chemicals to keep their colour.

  5. Ha! You think only blonds are dumb, have no sense of humour or cannot understand accents in English.

    Some bloggers met in New Zealand, one local and one from the USA. The American says to the other "what’s a Hindu?”. The New Zealander answers “lays eggs mate”.

  6. The joke made me laugh. How are you going, anyway?

    1. Glad you enjoyed it. Me? I'm making progress, thank you for asking.

  7. Thanks for a good morning laugh 😂

  8. Hi Janice - that's great ... very clever - cheers Hilary

  9. Old ones are these best, what a difference these days, far too many people would be offended.

    1. I did wonder if I'd overstepped the boundaries . . . again! 🤣😂

    2. Those who get offended have forgotten how to laugh, that's sad.

  10. Well you certainly have me laughing this morning.

  11. its hilarious and proves the point of dumb blonde. love it. smiling as I leave you

  12. LOL so funny. I had a boss once who loved a good blonde joke. He would have enjoyed this one.

    1. It's so unfair to blondes . . . but funny!

  13. I sometimes (jokingly) call myself "ash blonde" these days... Maybe not such a good idea after all! ;-)

  14. An oldie but goodie (and, for the record, I did dye my hair blond for two or three years, long ago.)

    1. Didn't we all? . . . and I'm a brunette, or was.

  15. My husband is very bright but often has to have jokes explained to him. Then he went about repeating the punchline, chuckling to himself. 😁

  16. Lol. Thanks for the morning chuckle. I can only think of the blonde who was so pleased that she'd been able to complete a puzzle over the course of several hours. She told everyone that the box said '3-5 years'.

  17. Perhaps I shouldn't but I did laugh :)
    Many thanks for the Sunday chuckles.

    All the best Jan

  18. I was worried I'd overstepped, again . . .

  19. I'm sure there are blondes who wouldn't appreciate that I laughed ;-) xxx

    1. All my adult blondes are helped along with chemicals. . .

  20. I'm not going to say anything but I am smiling.

  21. Not to worry, I know a couple of blondes who would enjoy this joke :)


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