The Fifteenth Blog of
Augustus Lazarus Cooke (Gus)
Hello everyone!
We are all very sad
today. Mr Human took Winston to see Nadia-the-Vet ‘cos she knows all about cats
and she gave him an injection to make him feel better and she said he could
come home on Wednesday. Everyone thought he was getting better but he wasn’t
and he died in the night. He was nearly six, so not very old, though older than
me and Bertie. Bertie will miss him ‘cos Winston liked to lick his nose and
ears and Bertie liked licking Winston.
It feels very strange in
our house right now ‘cos Mrs H has gone to stay with Susannah and Frazzle and
Mr H has gone out to meet some friends. He took us for a nice walk first and he
said he wouldn’t be long so I expect we shall sleep ‘til he gets back.
I think something
exciting is happening next week – something to do with Santa Paws? Anyway, we
all hope you all have a lovely time, whatever you’re doing. I shan’t blog again
until the Noo Ear.
Be good!
Hwyl fawr am nawr! (That’s Welsh for
‘Goodbye for now!’)