Sunday 8 May 2011

Poetry Jam Birthday

On receiving an invitation to contribute to 'Poetry Jam' I had a shufti at the prompt and  remembered something I'd written a while ago. My, how time marches on!! 

It’s my birthday today  - I’m fifty-eight,
Never thought it would happen to me!
I think of the years that have passed me by
And the things that I thought I’d create –
A sparkling career, a large group of friends,
Or maybe a very few good ones,
But lo and behold! I’m just getting old
And my friendships are make-do and mends!

My career was in schools – not at all cool,
My children took all my life over,
My husband away for most of the day,
And often abroad in the work pool!
I cannot complain, I’m reasonably sane,
I love all my family dearly,
My best friend’s my husband, my children come next,
And the grandchildren follow in train.

Learn from the past and live in the present,
Look to the future with pleasure,
Can’t look back and sigh, I’ve always been shy,
And it’s my fault I’m not always pleasant!
I’ve enemies few and friends even fewer,
But I’m happy with my little lot,
I’m not feeling blue – no really, it’s true,
I’m contented with all that I’ve got! 


  1. I love it, Janice! I love the internal rhyming scheme, and I really like the person who wrote it.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  2. I like your look to the future attitude - it mirrors mine. I just think it's depressing to consider what might have been - especially as right now isn't that bad, really :)

  3. This is so true, sweet and full of great rhyme.

  4. What a wonderful precis of a life! Loved the honesty of it, suited the measure so well.
    This line is great:
    'But lo and behold! I’m just getting old'

  5. Hooray for you! Being happy with what we've got and looking forward to the future are essential!

  6. There's no time like the present, eh? LOL

  7. Lovely rhythm and hooray for the internal rhyming too!

  8. Delightfully told and wizardly rhymed. We'll all see ourselves in this one - I know I did!

  9. Three verses that capture a life...I'd forgotten what poem can do.

  10. Clever rhyming and a thoughtful poem.


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