Sunday 29 May 2011

Poetry Jam Forgetting

The subject for Poetry Jam this week is 'Forgetting'. Click here to read more contributions.


Old age plays several nasty pranks, 
Purloining strength and youth,         
Seizing sight and sound and taste   
And modifying truth;
For worst of all the memory flees -      
The day before is lost,
While fifty years ago is clear,
Current events are tossed
Like garbage in a refuse truck.
Confusion reigns supreme -
‘I never did, I don’t know how,
Don’t make me cry, I’ll scream.’

Forgetting is letting
The memories go,
Sensing identity
Fading, and so,
Child once more,
Your needs are
Met each day
Every way
The end


  1. Janice, this poem is 'right on.' The second stanza is so sad, so hard when one sees someone who had a full life lose all memories of that richness.

  2. I love how the second stanza shortens like the aging mind.

  3. It's sad to watch my mother-in-law's memory fade...and to think that it one day will happen to my husband and me too!

  4. A subject close to all our hearts - sooner or later, if we're lucky enough to live that long. Your telling thoughts put it into perspective.

  5. Excellent poem.
    My memory has been bad since my fifties so I'm not going to know when it gets worse, which is a kind of blessing.
    At 84, my mom's memory has worsened considerably. She is still doing okay in life though.

  6. An all too true description of the dementia that so often accompanies aging ..... nicely written!

  7. I'm in my 40s & I can already tell that my memory is much worse than it used to be. Ah well, I'll just hold onto the "ignorance is bliss" idea :)

  8. Mine was about forgetting as an old age possibility, too. I like your piece a great deal. Thanks...

  9. Your poem really hits home. So sad to watch people with such rich lives lose their memories. I fear this as well.

  10. this is the part of aging that scares me most...losing things and not even knowing it...shivers...


    Memory can play tricks on all of us.

  12. Ok, a funny thing and a serious thing:

    Funny thing: I didn't know about the poetry jam, but for my post today I wrote a poem, called, "I'll Remember."

    Serious thing: the poem is a tribute to my Mom, who passed away on 3/31/11 from ... Alzheimer's.

    Well done with your poem

  13. This is so well done, Janice, but, unfortunately, it is all too true.
    Today I couldn't remember how to unlock the grocery cart from the one in front of it.
    I'm not quite 65 and already my doctor has sent me to a gerontologist half my age, to find out what's wrong with my memory.
    One of the things I hate most? I can't write poetry any more. It used to be second nature to me, and it's all gone now.
    Meanwhile, I enjoy yours, a lot. Keep it up. If you keep using it, maybe you'll never lose it!
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel


    we must look ahead of us...
    great contribution
    nice week

  15. I was going to say something pithy but i've forgotten what it was... great poem of truth!

  16. That was another hard read. How much of us is memory, and when that leaves us, what is left?
    Great contrast between the verses, and great movement through them too.

  17. Wow. The structure of your poem added perfectly to the theme of forgetting and aging. Brilliant.

    Ellie Garratt

  18. That's very true, I remember things of years ago but not what I did last week ! Nice poeme !

  19. Sad, but true. I'm experienceing a little of this myself, but that last stanza describes where my mother is right now. I guess we'll all get there if we live long enough.

  20. I do like the progression of your poem, fading away as does the memory with time.

    It is all so true but all the more reason to live each day to the fullest......even though we won't remember it in years to come. :)

  21. beautiful poem

    So clever of you. So true. So sad. (Although I have to say the fading memory of my grandmother did give us some hilariously funny moments.)

  22. Wow! Loved how you made the second stanza kind of trickle away.

  23. Hey, I didn't know you were a good poet too!
    This is very clever indeed.

  24. Very beautifully written. Do visit my blog and leave your footprints by posting comments

  25. How perfect, in both content and form. Made me smile!


  26. Great poem! Bravo!
    Hope you dind't forget your question in my blog;o)
    Sorry for being late to answer too! I had already forgotten! He he he!
    The two sad ladies represent the two French regions Alsace and Lorraine which had been lost to the Germans in the war of 1870/1871!
    Many thanks for sharing your beautiful poem and also for visiting and taking the time to comment;o)

    Hope you are having a nice and happy week****


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I will always try to repay your visit whenever possible.