Thursday 19 October 2023

Fitting the new panel


Fitting the new panel

We had a call late morning from Alan to say that he and Dave would be with us in about half an hour. It’s very helpful when people give an approximate arrival time because it gives us plenty of time to make sure the cats and dogs are safely out of the way. 

             Carrying the old panel from the conservatory to the van.

Left to their own devices the cats would take the opportunity to walk slowly in front of everyone in that insouciant manner cats adopt when humans are trying to achieve something. On the other hand, the dogs, always happy to see new people, would insist on being noticed, licking and wagging. 

Thus, we began the task of herding them upstairs to our bedroom.

Vacuuming up all the broken glass fragments from the frame.

‘Would you like a chew?’ I asked the dogs brightly. They needed no second invitation and bounded up the stairs with enthusiasm. ‘Cats, cats, cats,’ I called, rattling the treats tin. Jellicoe appeared instantly, but Herschel decided to take his time and eventually squeezed under the stair gate to join the rest of us, while Barry went downstairs to await the fitters.

                    Carrying in the new unit - long and heavy.
Those of you who are not familiar with this blog may wonder why we have a stair gate at our bedroom door. We put it there when Frodo the Faller started his epilepticjourney. After his fits, in what is called the ‘post-ictal stage’ he would be very confused and stagger around. We were afraid he would stumble out of the bedroom and fall down the stairs. He spent more than enough time with the vets as it was.

 If we didn’t have cats who were able to open doors we could simply have shut the door.
Working outside
The men from Camberley Glass and Windows arrived as expected in two vans and began the process of removing the outer pane and the remainder of the shattered inner panel.
Team work!
 They were very professional, courteous and cheerful.  Barry took lots of photographs and video clips and promised them worldwide fame through my blog. I made that last bit up, but he did tell them that they would feature in a blog post, having first asked if they objected to being filmed. 
It was a beautiful day - blue sky, sun and no wind.
Contrails aplenty
Ladders and shadows
Alan up the ladder
It’s amazing how big the individual panels are, well over 6’ long.
Dave up the ladder, vacuuming
                    A nice cup of coffee after a job well done!

                            Thank you, Dave and Alan!


  1. You reported that Herschel decided to take his time and eventually squeezed under the stair gate to join the rest of you. I had two Uncle Herschels and they both were a bit lazy in responding to requests. Friendly yes, but slow.

    1. Ha ha - I love that. Our Herschel is named for the astronomer William Herschel who lived not far from here, in Buckinghamshire.

  2. Nice to see some details of the installation. What a beautiful ceiling of glass! And yes, the cats would try hard to slow people down and/or make them fall :D

  3. Thank goodness it was done before the rains came.

    1. We did have rain yesterday, but it wasn't the downpour we had been predicted. Even so, I'm glad we changed the day for the installation.

  4. Replies
    1. They were so efficient and very pleasant, too.

  5. It looks like a huge job, it's good there are professionals to do it, and the weather was perfect for it.


  6. A day for me and the cats, we would all escape in different directions ! Rick would chat with the workers and Arthur would try to help by being always in the way ! The workers would need double time to do the work with these two !

  7. That's why I retire upstairs with the animals;-)

  8. I enjoyed seeing how this job was accomplished. It would be work to be done so carefully not to break anything. I bet the fur babies enjoyed a treat while stuck up stairs.

  9. They're happy as long as they have company. With two dogs and a human they were spoilt for choice!

  10. A good job, well done, and it must feel great to have it finished before the really cold weather comes along. xx

  11. It does feel good. It always surprises me that double glazing is so effective. I mean, I know I shouldn't be surprised, but I am;-) x x

  12. Those guys look very professional and efficient indeed. And thank goodness the weather was on its best behaviour for you! Getting the pet(s) out of harm's way is always a major stress factor for me ... xxx

    1. Cats, in particular, are so quick when they choose to be so, and a open door is an invitation! x x x

  13. it makes all the difference when you get efficiently service and service with a smile! Glad that you have it all sorted. I couldn’t help notice ‘Camberley’ on the van! I used to teach near Camberley, many years ago!

    1. It certainly does make a difference.
      We live 5 miles from Camberley.


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