Sunday 13 October 2024

Protected again . . .


Protected again . .. 

We had our Covid and ‘flu jabs at midday, a stab in each arm, quick, efficient. We arrived early, went straight in and that was that, until the next time.

Then Barry trotted off for an ultrasound scan. He has had so many appointments recently but has a day off tomorrow, followed by an early start on Monday. He has to be at the hospital at 7:00 a.m. First on the surgeon’s list – a good place to be. A stay overnight and then home again on Tuesday, all being well.

He will not be able or allowed to lift or carry anything for a few weeks, which will be good for me, as I will get plenty of exercise doing the things he normally does. Can’t wait!


  1. Please be careful lifting and carrying things you are not used to. Get help if you need to, but not from Barry of course. I hope all is well and he recovers quickly.

    1. I shall be careful. I have my own methods of moving heavier stuff and really it will only be bringing in the shopping and the coal. Middle daughter will help when she can, but she's in the process of moving, so is very busy herself.

  2. Make sure he does not lift things. "I'm fine", until you aren't. I've had my 7th Covid vaccination. Would you be about the same count? It seems every six months now.

    1. He'll be careful - I'll nag him into it! Actually, he's very sensible,
      I've lost count of the Covid jabs we've had but they do seem to come round quickly.

  3. Hoping all goes well for Barry tomorrow and he is up and running again quickly.
    We have just had our flu vaccinations but have not been offered the Covid jab. Probably a money saving exercise.

    1. I hope you will be offered the Covid jab. It's a false economy not to be given it.

  4. Hi Janice - oh thanks for that ... I wanted to find out if I could have both at once ... now I'll sort an appt out. Good luck for all things going on for you both ... take care with the lifting ... happy week ahead! Cheers Hilary

    1. It makes it so much quicker to have both done at the same time and it's really efficiently organised now.

  5. I just recovered from quadriceps tear 2 months later. I like to exercise regularly

    1. When you're used to regular exercise it's frustrating not to be able to do it and then to have to build up again gradually.

  6. Good luck with stopping him doing things, I would have to tie my hubby to a chair, hope he heals well. We had the double jab last week.

  7. Even though we get our covid and flu shot every year, of course we caught covid. But on Wednesday we are due to go back in for our annual shots and will we will be in line. Good luck with the lifting and the toting. I do that watering outside, I probably carry 20 or 30 gallons of water a day trying to keep the drought from killing so many things. And of course the bird baths.

    1. What are your annual shots? We only have Covid and 'flu.
      You must be very fit, carrying so much water every day.

  8. We need to look into our shots. I hope tomorrow goes well.

    1. There's always something to book up, isn't there? When did we ever have time to go to work?

  9. A "stab" in each arm? Aaargh! I will be going on Wednesday and I hope they give me "jabs" rather than "stabs". "Jabblog" sounds like it should be a blog devoted to inoculations. Best wishes to Barry!

    1. I've never thought of jabblog that way! It actually stands for Janice and Barry's blog, though I'm the writer.

    2. Thanks for the back story on the blog name.

  10. My husband had his jabs recently and for the first time felt quite unwell afterwards albeit very briefly.
    I hope all goes well for you and Barry over the next few days.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Middle daughter has bad reactions to Covid jabs, so is very wary.

  11. I have just read your reply to Yorkshire Pudding’s comment. I never knew that’s where your blog name came from. Very creative! Good to be updated on your vaccinations. Wishing you both the very best, with Barry and your exercise, though please be careful. My back was out for weeks once and certainly wouldn’t wish that on you.

    1. I will be careful as I'm currently having physiotherapy for my back. Middle daughter will help as much as she can.

  12. I had mine yesterday morning too. Slightly tender arms but not too bad. Better than flu or covid!

  13. Covid arm is sore, but 'flu arm is fine. 😁

  14. Thinking of you and hoping all goes well for you and Barry over the next few days. Take care and be careful with the lifting.

    All the best Jan

  15. I'm wishing you and Barry all the best as he recovers. We just had our flu and covid shots, too.

  16. Hope all is well for Barry.

  17. doing the heavy lifting is a thing...Husband brought home a meteorite the other day, It is so heavy it has to live on the floor . It is interesting I suppose but really just looks like a lump of very black weird coal. I will NOT be hoisting it to a proper home on some very strong shelf somewhere. Be well and strong!

  18. Hope all goes well for Barry. And don't over do things for yourself.


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