Wednesday, 30 December 2009
ABC Wednesday X is for Xanadu
In Xanadu did Kubla Khan
A stately pleasure-dome decree
Where Alph, the sacred river, ran
Through caverns measureless to man
Down to a sunless sea.
Extract from 'Kubla Khan' written by Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) and published in 1816
Xanadu, previously known as Kai Ping, was the summer capital of the Yuan Dynasty. The Mongolian Yuan Dynasty was founded in 1271 by Kublai Khan, grandson of Gengis Khan. It ruled China from 1279 to 1368. Emperor Kublai Khan made Dadu, present-day Beijing, the capital of his empire, but the summer heat and humidity of the city persuaded him to establish an alternative capital closer to the cooler plains of his native Mongolia.
Xanadu first came to the notice of the Western world after Marco Polo visited the city in 1275. It was portrayed by him and later by Coleridge as exotic, mysterious and filled with riches.
Thank you to Denise Nesbitt for her hard work in organising and hosting this meme.
Click here to see what others have found for X.
Sunday, 27 December 2009
Camera Critters #90, Pet Pride Gus-in-a-box#2
It's amazing the things that come boxed these days! Here's the little chap chewing his way out like a bird from an egg . . .
Grateful thanks to the organisers of these memes for their hard work!
To see what others have to offer please click on Camera Critters and Pet Pride
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
ABC Wednesday W is for Warrior
Meet Gerard Culpeper
Monday, 21 December 2009
The North Wind doth blow . . .
The north wind doth blow,
And we shall have snow,
And what will poor robin do then, poor thing?
He'll sit in a barn,
And keep himself warm,
And hide his head under his wing, poor thing.
This British Nursery rhyme is thought to date from the 16th century. It was intended to teach children to associate safety, warmth and security with home while allowing them to empathise with the situation of the robin.
The birds have been busier on the feeders since the weather has become colder, building up their fat reserves for the weeks to come and the huge expenditure of energy in the breeding season which starts much earlier than we may appreciate. During the autumn and early winter the robins have been defending their territories preparatory to pairing off. The female robin does all the chasing and eventually decides on her mate after visiting several males. The first indication of a pairing is two robins feeding alongside each other but they will not breed until Spring.
Sunday, 20 December 2009
Today’s Flowers #71 – Guzmania

Friday, 18 December 2009
Camera Critters #89, Pet Pride Fun in the snow!

The Third Blog of Augustus Lazarus Cooke (Gus)

Hello everyone!
I'm fifteen weeks old on Sunday and growing fast . . . I'm nearly half the size of Jenna!
I told you in my last blog that I had learnt to climb the stairs. Now I do it all the time and I can come downstairs. I'm ever so careful like Buddy but Buddy's careful 'coz he can't see very well and I'm careful 'coz I don't want to fall and hurt myself. My Humans still carry me down during the night if I need to go out and first thing in the morning. They say I'm getting ever so heavy. I can get up onto the settee now and that's great. I can lie next to Buddy – I even rested on him the other day and he didn't grumble once.
I still like getting in Frodo's bed though I don't fit as well as I did. (I really like Frodo!)
I think he likes sharing with me 'coz the other day I was in his bed and he got in with me. He trod on me a bit but not for long and it didn't hurt. He's ever so warm to cuddle up to. (Oh, I really like Frodo – he's great!)
I go out walking with the big dogs but we don't go for long walks 'coz I'm still quite young and my Humans say I mustn't overdo it (whatever 'it' is!)
Today was ever such a lot of fun 'coz there was cold white stuff all over the forest – it's called SNOW and it smells funny – nice, but funny and all the usual smells are hidden underneath it. It's hard to run in and I got tired quite quickly. Frodo and Jenna ran so fast they slid on it but they didn't mind. (I think Frodo's really cool – I want to be just like him when I grow up.)
Jenna plays with me lots except when we go out, then she's only interested in the ball the Humans fling for her. Today I discovered that if I pick up the ball before she does she's more interested in me. Actually, I think she's trying to show me what to do and I'm learning 'dead' which means 'drop it in front of the Humans'.
Mrs H is going to find a class for me – I don't know what that means but I expect I'll like it. I've liked everything so far. Something called 'Christmas' is coming and I don't know what that is either but I think there are going to be more visitors and some new people for me to meet. I'm looking forward to that.
It's been a busy day so I'm going to have another snooze, specially as Tia and Foxy are coming tomorrow with their Humans for a couple of days.
Hwyl fawr am nawr! (That's Welsh for 'Goodbye for now!'