It's getting very busy here don'tcha know. Paul was here last week to do some work but Gillian and the children had to go to school. Now the doorbell keeps ringing and lots of parcels have arrived – big ones, small ones, heavy and light. Mr and Mrs Human unpack them them Mrs Hsays, 'I'll wrap them later.' WHAT??? I'm only a cat (though I'm pretty smart as cats go) but what's the point of unwrapping things to wrap them up again? Why not leave them as they are? I think humans make work for themselves – they should learn from us cats; we do as little as we can but do it in style. We don't rush about needlessly – 'course, if there's bird-watching going on or fly-catching we're as busy as the next being.
Talking of needless rushing Gus is an expert at that. He's forever charging around though he's happier to rest now he can get on the settee with Buddy. Sometimes he gets into Frodo's bed and Frodo grumbles but doesn't do anything. If Gus is in his bed Frodo climbs in on top of him anyway so I don't think he really minds. Monty and me have made our feelings plain and Gus is treating us with a bit lot more respect. He's bigger than us now and much heavier. I even share his food sometimes. He's all right since he's learned some manners. Monty thinks he's almost as good to curl up with as Jenna. Jenna isn't afraid of Gus now – she plays with him all the time and Frodo plays too sometimes.
White bits are coming out of the sky! I don't know why but the humans get ever so excited when they see them. Humans are funny, don'tcha think? Ooer, it's coming down fast now and the wind's blowing it around and it's getting dark and it's only half past the afternoon. I can't tell the time, only roughly, but the Humans know when we want our meals so me and Monty don't have to bother with clocks and things.
Last weekend was ever so good 'coz Elliot and Eve and Louis come to stay. We didn't see much of Elliot but Eve and Louis played with all of us – it was fun but we was ever so tired when they went home. Before that Bethan come home for a couple of days. 'Course, she spent a lot of time playing with Gus and that kept him out of our fur. She'll be home again soon for Christmas.
On Saturday Gillian and Marnie and Kiri and Callum are coming for the weekend. That's nice and Tia and Foxy are coming too but us cats feel are a bit completely outnumbered. It's all right unless they get on the Humans' bed 'coz then there's not much no room for me and Monty if we want to sleep there.

It's quite tiring exhausting watching all this going on. Me and Monty cuddle up together, wash each other's awkward bits – you know, between the shoulder blades and under the chin – and then we sleep . . . and sleep . . . and sleep.
Don't know if I'll be blogging again before Christmas. If I don't me and Monty want to wish all you folks out there – Humans, cats, dogs, horses, rabbits, guinea pigs and everything else - a Very Happy Christmas! (or Chanuka)
Pet Pride
Pet Pride
Happy Birthday Winston!!
ReplyDeleteMy birthday is on the 25th!! so we have a lot in common
plus we're both so good looking
love, Siren