Monday, 10 July 2023

It’s raining!

  It’s raining!


Rain falls, or hammers, or drizzles. It drips or drives, cuts or caresses, fills streams and brooks, curves paths in dust, carves puddles in earth. Rain is quiet – it hisses. Rain is noisy – it drums. Rain is silent but steady. Rain is all these things.
 Howling wind hurls all before it, raging through trees, whipping seas, destroying in its wrath.
Sobbing wind goads heavy clouds into reluctant motion across the heavens. Eye-scratching lightning, ear-splitting thunder, flashes and cracks – no birds to be seen.
No wind and the lead-grey sky looms sullenly, releasing a million tiny bombs hurtling earthwards, bouncing off the ground, tiny translucent space hoppers.

The plants, the trees, the grasses accommodate the rain, bowing under its relentless force, and straightening once the assault eases.

The pallid grasses, parched and dry, welcome the rain and grant their green in gratitude. Tired flowers lift their heads and trees open their leaves in thankfulness.

Rain, a benison. Too little and there is pain.

Rain, a curse. Too much and there is suffering.

Rain, heaven’s tears for an abused world.

Rain, heaven’s blessing for a sorrowing realm.

Rain – be thankful.


  1. I love rain and we have winter here now so there is quite a bit of it around.

  2. How you ‘view’ rain depends on where you live in Australia. Your words describe those feelings exactly. Summer rain is so very different to winter rain. Most of us never complain about rain, we had 10 years without it at the turn of the century….the Millennium Drought, the worst in history.
    We left rainy Melbourne to winter in the dry tropics during the dry season and what did we get last week but an unusual wet front 😊

    1. Ten years of drought is horrendous but drought relieved by floods is truly awful. Moderation in all things, we wish for.

  3. ps. Forgot to say how much I’loved’ your rainy day photos- especially the first one!

  4. Beautiful, thank you. xx

  5. I complain always about rain, but when it doesn't rain for a long time, I complain too ! Your rain photos are very nice !

  6. My daughter and I walked in the park through the thunder storm yesterday. I appreciate a really good downpour as a little bit of drizzle doesn't do much for my garden of pots, they need a real soaking.

    1. A good thunderstorm usually clears the air - I hope it did for you.

  7. A love a rainy day, occasionally. Beautiful photos.

    1. Yes, you can have too much of a good thing;-)

  8. Rain is indeed all these things.
    A lovely piece of writing.

  9. Beautifully written, Janice! I do love the sound of rain, particularly after a period of drought! xxx

  10. Beautiful sentiments on the topic of rain. The earth needs the nourishment. Our grass isn't even growing becauseif drought.

    1. Look on the bright side - if it's not growing, it doesn't need mowing :-)

  11. A beautiful post; I especially like the last five lines. Personally, I like rain, but I've never experienced the downside. (I used to enjoy the wind, too, but that was before the hurricane last fall. Now I get uneasy when it gets to a certain pitch!)

  12. Thank you, Jenny. Hurricanes do rather spoil one's pleasure in listening to the wind!!


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