Monday 8 November 2010

Microfiction Monday #56

Lovely Susan from ‘Stony River’ organises and hosts this weekly meme. Thank you Susan J She provides a picture and the challenge is to create a story in 140 characters or less – including punctuation! Click here to read more marvels of microfiction – and perhaps join in. It’s fun!
Here is this week’s picture accompanied by my offering. We drive on the left in UK!
She made brmm brmm noises, longing to be old enough to drive. She knew she’d be good. Even now she was keeping closely to the left.
(131 characters)


  1. Hehehe! I bet she will be good, too!

  2. Oh YES ! Brmm Brmm- Great idea! Thanks-

  3. With her thinking so far ahead, i'm sure she'll ace that driving test with no effort. This made me smile. :)

  4. Oh, what a fun take on the pic of the day, Janice! I love it! And, yes, I bet she'll be a hell of driver! Indy 500 get ready for this one! Enjoy your week!


  5. Wow, Janice, she's smart. I tried to drive in Australia and keeping to the left just boggled my poor addled brain. I didn't even attempt it in Britain.
    Brmm brmm - perfect!!
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  6. Thanks for the morning laugh! What a unique take on this week's picture. At first, I thought, No, no, she should be on the right, and then I remembered that you're in the UK! I didn't read your intro at first.

  7. I love how she's a little driver wanna be :)

  8. I bet she is going to be a Bus Driver when she grows up.

  9. Good thing she's not in America.... :O)

  10. She's a regular Indy 500 ace! I liked your unique take on this. Well done!

  11. Yep! Driving on the left in the U.K. Learning early!

  12. And to think most adults believe only boys make those sounds. :)

  13. You are never too young to pretend drive.

  14. Yup, she's doing good - but I'm afraid she's going to have to wait a rather long while before they'll let her drive :) - nice MM!

  15. 'Keeping to the left'! What a lovely idea!

  16. Wonderful story that made me smile!

  17. Your MM made me husband and I traveled to Scotland and England once and had a difficult time trying to get the hang of driving 'on the wrong side of the road'...LOL
    Have a great week. Cheers!

  18. A very imaginative observation! Beautifully written!


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