Wednesday 1 March 2023



Insecure Writers’ Support Group

Over the course of several years, I have visited IWSG, marvelled at the expertise and confidence displayed there, considered joining in and shied away. I’ve read others’ contributions and decided I can’t compete.

I know, it’s not a competition, but there’s something daunting about exposing one’s thoughts, maybe, on occasions, one’s innermost self, to strangers. I do that, though, through my blog, and everyone I’ve ‘met’ there were strangers to begin with and have been unfailingly kind and courteous.

However, I’m not a writer, not really. Well, I have a few ‘stories’ on the go, though not so much on the go now as resting in mothballs. When I have admitted to trying to write, some people have asked, ‘What genre?’ and that really makes me stop and think. Is there a genre called ‘drivel’?

So now I’ve dipped my toe in the water (sometimes I enjoy indulging my inner cliché-writer) If you’ve read this far, thank you. If not, tant pis.


  1. Welcome to IWSG! Thanks for dipping your toe in the water, but go ahead and jump in! So happy you decided to be brave. I chuckled at the genre called "drivel." Go to the sign up page and visit lots of blogs and leave a comment. Usually the blogger will return your comment with a comment on your site.

  2. I'm a new reader to your blog but I enjoy what you write here. xx

  3. Don't publish that last attempt - we have no idea how it flashed to publish when it did. Given that there's lots of published drivel out there that claims to belong to named genres, you couldn't possibly do worse than to claim its drivel and be damned.

  4. Wasn’t Spike Milligan renowned for speaking and writing drivel….now he was fun to read and listen to. There might be a new market out there for budding ‘drivel a La Milligan’ authors. He’s sadly missed in this oh so serious un funny correct world we live in

    1. Oh and I haven’t had occasion to use - Too bad…So sad - in a long while. Must pluck it out of my brain at the relevant moment some time. Thanks for reminding me of the phrase

    2. We could do with more like Spike Milligan. Sadly, it is all too easy to offend these days, often simply by expressing an opinion.

  5. If you are writing, then you are a writer!
    Welcome to the IWSG. You are in the right place.

  6. Just the act of writing a story down feels like an exposure of my soul to people so I get where you are coming from. However, 'just jump'. :)

  7. I have a problem with genre too. I have several incomplete stories with multiple chapters, but haven't a clue what genre they would be. Does there even need to be a genre specification?

    1. Maybe not - but the advertising blurbs often seem to mention it.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I had to delete and redo. Far too many errors in my first attempt.
    Personally, I'm thinking drivel books could be the next best thing since NA! My stories don't fit a mold. Nor do I apply myself very well to the business side of writing, so if you're a drivel writer, I would be the Drivel Dabbler .

  10. Welcome to IWSG! It's a fun place to be. It's hard to dip your toes into new things sometimes but sometimes when you do you find out the water is warm and inviting and there was nothing to be worried about all along!

  11. Welcome to the IWSG! I hope you find support and inspiration to continue, even if it's just a few stories on the go. :)

    1. Thank you, Loni. It takes a while (for me, anyway, being the Great Procrastinator) to pick up where I left off and recall my train of thought.

  12. Welcome to the IWSG. I couldn't seem to log in to comment, but I'm, and I encourage you to write without fear!

  13. Thank you, Rebecca. Writing without fear is one thing - attracting readers quite another!

  14. I have read, and am sure it's not drivel (grins) though I do think a lot of us writers feel simular.

  15. Hi Janice - you're writing and recording for yourself and posterity - you enjoy it ... others can chose can't they. I enjoy your stories about life a la jabglog! Cheers Hilary

  16. Thank you, Hilary. I appreciate your visits and comments:-)


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