Monday 6 November 2023




                   Having a leisurely wash while keeping warm

Jellicoe has a new place to rest and relax, freeing my lap most of the time, until meal-time is near. Then he sits very close to me . . . or on me.

The twice-daily blood-letting blood-testing is nerve-wracking terrible improving (hollow laughter) though we fear Jellicoe may soon become eligible for rugby front-row, in the scrum. He will be the only cat of our acquaintance with cauliflower ears as we battle endeavour to gather sufficient of the claret (rugby term for blood) to test. His levels are stabilising, so everyone is pleased relieved.

He’s a brave little soldier, enjoying the bribes treats he’s given before and after the ordeal procedure. He has earnt his place by the fire, warming his back.

I can’t stand the thought of don’t relish am scared stiff apprehensive about testing him at two-hourly intervals, which will have to be done in the course of one day in a couple of weeks. Barry is confident, but I reckon that’s all top show. Under the valiant exterior, he’s quaking fearful anxious too, I know suspect.


  1. Mr B and F know exactly how that feels. Sympathy to both you and Jellicoe - who is looking beautiful by the way.

  2. I would be a bit nervous about the two-hourly testing too. Good luck. I'm glad Jellicoe has such good parents who look after him properly.

    1. We worry about spoiling his lovely temperament but - so far - he's very forgiving and doesn't hold a grudge or try to run away when he sees preparations being made.

  3. I suppose improvement in animal care has moved on as fast as human medical care, which is why I shouldn't wonder about you having to take blood, as humans are at times required to do it themselves nowadays.

  4. Pet insurance has not kept pace with modern veterinary practice so an annual amount that was quite sufficient ten years ago is no longer the case. £££

  5. Gosh, poor Jellicoe and poor you. If only you really were talking about claret.
    Gail notes there were some quite spectacular cauliflower ears on display during the recent Rugby World Cup!

    1. Yesterday we were discussing the likelihood of women in the scrum developing cauliflower ears. It seems probable!

  6. Pussy~cats everywhere this morning...Just left
    a comment on Henny's Blog post....The lovely
    Smokey is at the end of it.....

    And the lovely Jellicoe looks lovely there, away
    with the fairies, wonder what he's dreaming of....
    He has great colour/markings...very distinctive..
    😼 🐾🐾 😼 🐾🐾 😼 🐾🐾 😼 🐾🐾
    HeHe! Just to put the record straight...I have 'not'
    moved from Reading to Plymouth, according to
    your 'Live Traffic Feed'...! :(.

    1. Live traffic feed has a mischievous mind of its own!

  7. HI Janice - poor Jellicoe, or poor you two ... still he does have a very nice resting place ... please could I bring my bed and rest there too?! Thanks for all the updates ... claret blood - nooooo!! Cheers Hilary

    1. There's always room at the fireside but you might have to jockey for position;-)

  8. Sweet Jellicoe. You and your husband deserve a treat for keeping up on his health needs. I do not envy your need to prick and test. I'd never find Precious in the small house if we ever have to go down this road. Best wishes and purrs to you Jellicoe. Your mum and dad love you.

  9. Jellicoe is a beautifully marked cat! Just a gorgeous fellow. I have never taken blood from a cat, although I've had cats take blood from me. Good luck.

    1. I laughed at 'I have never taken blood from a cat, although I've had cats take blood from me'. Cats are not very careful when they take blood from people, are they?

  10. What a handsome cat Jellicoe is, and very brave too having to go through the "blood letting" ordeal twice-daily ... xxx

  11. In addition to the blood-letting, he is jabbed twice a day, too. I'm not sure I would be so patient! x x x


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