Tuesday 30 July 2024

There’s a lot of it about . . .


There’s a lot of it about . . .

                               Eve and Barry, twenty years ago

I hear this phrase so frequently and am never sure whether it’s meant in sympathy or censure. I care not at all.

The ‘it’ I refer to is a bug of unknown provenance, since we never go anywhere or see anyone (sn’f, sn’f) Anyway, wherever it popped up its evil little head, it’s got Barry fair and square and he’s coughing and spluttering fit to bust. After a couple of days of me suggesting and then ordering him to bed, he finally complied when he was feeling too rough to tough it out, and there he remains, watching rugby and boxing and Olympics and sleeping, alternating between fiery hot and icy cold.

Another expression that is often heard in such circumstances is, ‘It’s gone to his chest.’ What a silly thing to say. Where else would you expect a chest infection to manifest itself?

Asked how he feels, he either says, ‘A bit better, I think,’ or, more worryingly, ‘Not feeling too good,’ but mention of consulting a doctor brings a robust if slightly wheezy, ‘I’m not that ill.’ So, I continue to dose him at regular intervals and lie in bed at night listening to him breathing. If I can’t hear him breathing, I lay hands on him, though not in a miracle performing way, to assure myself that his lungs are inflating and deflating rhythmically. This is something I have been doing for decades, literally. I’m always quite relieved to hear him snoring, though it’s sometimes difficult to ascertain precisely which mammal in the bedroom is sawing logs.

He’s currently on day 6 of the affliction so hopefully he will start genuinely feeling better soon. He’s just told me he’s got a bad case of Man Flu, so there’s a glimmer of humour appearing again. He’s normally a very positive person – generous, too, as I now have a scratchy throat and headache and feel hotter than the warm day would warrant.

There’s a lot of it about . . .

In happier news, it’s my youngest granddaughter’s birthday today. Eve is twenty-three – I remember that age. It was lovely.


  1. tested for Covid? Covid is so horrid that it will take your sense of humour and stab it to death. Covid is so mean!

    1. It's not Covid. He's actually pretty good about consulting professionals - better than me, anyway;-)

  2. Like Linda said, test for covid. There are so many variants around these days, also RSV and possibly pneumonia could be what he has. I suggest a visit to the doctor whether he likes it or not.

    1. He's sensible about consulting doctors. In any case, it will be a telephone consultation if it happens at all. He's had pneumonia a few times in his life, so is well aware.

  3. I will third the covid test suggestion. It is still something to be taken seriously in the elderly (which, oh dear, is defined here as over 60 (!!)) and if you do go to the doctor you'll likely be asked if you've tested. I hope the Man Flu is lesser in the Woman and you both feel better soon :)

    1. Isn't it wonderful to be put in a box labelled 'elderly'? So cheering:-)

  4. Best wishes for Barry's full and soon recovery and that you don't become ill. Happy birthday to Eve! Twenty three is a lovely age when one is happy. What a truly charming picture of Barry and Eve.

    1. It's one of my favourite photographs. Life is so simple when you're three!

  5. What does Man Flu mean? That women wouldn't cope with the same pain and misery? I wish middle aged men (including my own husband) would gracefully hand over responsibility for their care to the professionals, take the medication that they order and tolerate any required procedures.
    Nonetheless, wishing you both good health.

    1. Barry is sensible about consulting doctors, though these days, it's a telephone consultation. I'm the one who avoids doctors like the plague.

  6. Seems to be a number of viruses rearing their ugly heads St the moment. I have heard a couple of friends saying they have 'man flu'

    1. There do seem to be more ailments about at present.

  7. There is a lot about and I'm sorry to read that you are both enjoying the delights of this summer-whatever-it-is. A real slap in the face when the weather is so lovely outside.

    Happy Birthday to Eve and take care yourself. Get well soon. xx

    1. It's really warm today - forecast to be 30 degrees (can't find the degree symbol) A good day for keeping in the shade.

  8. This sounds so like my OH when ill and I love your description of snoring being like sawing logs !
    Get well soon at your place x
    Alison in Wales x

  9. Hope your bugs shift quickly and Barry is up and about soon. 23 what a magical age, would I change anything if I could go back, who knows, probably not, at that age I was pregnant with my eldest daughter.

  10. Hi Janice - there's a lot of it about ... whatever 'it' is ... my brother et al had it recently ... and it's here in E/b and apparently over in gay Paris ... I hope you both recover quickly and can throw 'it' off - cheers Hilary

    1. Thank you, Hilary - 'it' is everywhere. We didn't get the cold snap to kill off all bugs, did we?

  11. The viruses are evolving to be stronger and more severe nowadays

    1. They are and we only have ourselves to blame!

  12. As one sick person to another, I wish you both to get well very soon.

    1. I hope you are feeling better now, Lynn.

  13. I hope Barry and you feel better soon. Summer bugs are the pits.

    1. They are. We expect them in the winter . . .

  14. You should tell us about why your age of 23 was so lovely. Poor Barry. This is not man flu but mega man flu. I hope you haven't caught the lurgi.

    When I would wake in the morning at 7, I would listen for the sound of Ray snoring in the next door bedroom and it was so reassuring, until he didn't.

    1. I can imagine how painful that must be, to miss that person and the snoring. Sending you a hug x

  15. First of all, Happy Birthday to Eve. May she have the best day ever. So sorry to read about Barry. I have one here who is very poorly with a hacking cough. I sort of had a hissy-fit to get him to go to the doctors as he is not one for doing that. He agreed to go into the walk-in clinic and now he is on three sets of pills. Not Covid as we had thought, not flu or pneumonia but he has one of the nastiest virus' and has fluid build-up in his lungs and one is partially collapsed at the bottom they said after the x-ray. He didn't tell me this until four days later! I don't say this to scare you or Barry, but my dear hubby would have gotten much worse if he hadn't have gone in. I now am telling him he needs to get into our own doctor's office to get another check-up, and I feel another hissy fit coming on as he is still there ;) Sorry this is so long-winded but I am really worried about Barry, just call me a nosy old bat but genuinely very concerned and still in the throws of the aftermath here.

    1. Oh, dear, poor Gregg. I hope the antibiotics will quickly sort him out.
      Thank you for your concern. Barry is pretty good about going to the doctor and has had quite a lot of experience of pneumonia and other chest infections. He has said he will go tomorrow if not substantially better.

  16. Happy birthday to Eve. I hope your Barry starts feeling better soon. A weeklong cold might require some antibiotics, but I certainly can understand trying to avoid that route if possible. It's a fine line, isn't it? Another phrase for you to ponder.

    1. Thank you, Debby, for another phrase to inspire me ;-)

  17. Six days of it is misery. I hope he is now improving... and that you don't suffer the same!

    1. I think he may be on the mend now, thank you.

  18. Oh.. so sorry to hear of Barry's ailment. Hope he starts to feel better soon.

  19. Oh dear, poor Barry - and poor you! Hope he starts to get much better and you don't get worse.

    1. Thank you, Liz. He's cautiously feeling better, while crossing fingers and touching wood - a fine trick, if you can manage it.

  20. Hope he starts to feel better soon. Happy birthday to your grand daughter!

    1. Thank you. Maybe the doctor he''s seeing this afternoon will have some answers.

  21. I hope Barry gets better soon, and I hope you don't get worse. That's a lovely photo, I hope Eve had a lovely birthday.

    1. Thank you, Polly. I really like that photograph - it seems such a long time ago now.

  22. Yes, "it" is definitely going around. Make sure you take care of yourself so you don't catch it.

    1. It seems that there's always something 'going around' - that's life, I suppose ;-)

  23. Oh dear. There are some nasty bugs going round. I hope Barry has had X-Rays to rule out pneumonia. COVID is on the rise here in the States and I've heard anecdotally that you may not test positive as quickly as with some of the previous strains. I hope Eve had a good birthday. 23 seems a lifetime ago for me now.

    1. Me, too. He may be getting an x-ray this afternoon as he is even now with the doctor. Middle daughter took him, bless her:-)

  24. Your Barry sounds like Jos when he's ill. Whatever the "it" is, here's to hoping he'll be feeling truly better soon! xxx

    1. His get up and go has definitely departed for the present, so I hope it will soon be back.

  25. Hope he will feel better soon!

  26. For some reason summer bugs seem worse than winter ones!
    I hope that Barry has a full recovery very soon and that you do not succumb to whatever is going around.
    Happy birthday wishes for Eve.

    All the best Jan

    1. Yes, we don't expect to be ill in the summer, though I seem to remember chickenpox and the like being summer things.


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