Monday 1 July 2024

Something small


Something small

On my screen this morning, I noticed a tiny moth, about 1 cm from wing tip to wing tip.

It posed quietly for quite a while but was later seen in the kitchen being stalked by Jellicoe. He batted it, and a dark trail was left on the freezer door. I think it must have been made by scales from its wings because I saw it fluttering, so it was obviously still alive.

Sadly, that did not remain the case.  Jellicoe expertly caught it between his front paws and that was its demise.  Herschel just watched. It was too small for his attention – squirrels are more his style.


  1. I don't like those small moths at night in the bedroom they flit around the lamp and I hate the sound.

    1. I don't like them battering about, either, but it's the flying beetles I really dislike.

  2. When I used to see such things when we had cats, I used to think about the two perspectives, from the cat's and from the moth's. Sad from moth's point of view. But not so from the cat's.

    1. Definitely sad for the moth, but just exercising the skills for the cat.

  3. We used to have a cat who would catch bluebottles, he'd keep them in his mouth and he'd look all wide-eyed like those cartoon cats as it buzzed in his mouth.

    1. That is amazing. I can just picture it. Thank you for the morning laugh:-)

  4. For a minute, I thought this was a black ink painting of some sort until you mentioned it was a real thing!

    1. It's not the best photograph, but I used my iPhone camera, anxious to capture it before it fled.

  5. Precious loves it when she can catch them off or some other kind of bug. I try not to feel too bad when they die.

    1. It's in her nature and it's good for her to be able to practise her skills.

  6. You were quick to get a snap of the moth before it met it's demise at the paws of Jellicoe.

  7. I haven't seen any moths here for quite a while thank goodness, the last batch were pantry moths and after that tiny black gnats or what I call drain flies, but it is too cold here now. Your tiny moth was pretty.

    1. I don't like clothes moths, but garden moths can be very attractive.

  8. Our Jas dispatched a garden moth the other day. So far this year I've seen only one or two butterflies , hopefully there'll be a few more soon.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I haven't seen many butterflies, either. Bit worrying!

  9. The circle of life (and extra protein for the cat).

  10. It couldn't even be called an amuse-bouche - barely touched the sides.

  11. I like to take photos of insects and enjoyed yours. I like them outside, not inside. I turned the light on in our bedroom and a moth had been resting on the wall. It immediately flew into our clothes closet!!! Looked for it but could not find.

    1. Oh, dear. I hope it's not a clothes moth.

  12. Rosie loves to eat spiders and insects, thanks to her my room is clean from spiders, daddy longlegs, and flies.

  13. When we owned chickens, I saw a lot of insects meet their demise. Of course, it's all in the plan of nature, but it can still make me a little sad, as long as they aren't in my house circling a light over and over.

    1. Moderation in all things - I'm all for wild life and insects, so long as they know their place, which is outside.

  14. Is it me or are there more moths about this year?

    All the best Jan

    1. I think it's you. I haven't noticed a lot here - that's the cue for squadrons of them to appear!

  15. Can you send Jellicoe over please? We've noticed several small moths fluttering around but in spite of Bess's best intentions she never manages to catch them! xxx


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