Monday 2 September 2024


Emoji update

I’ve found a solution, although whether it will continue to work is impossible to say. Things often ‘go wrong’ on my computer. Sometimes, it’s the cats walking across or sitting on the keyboard, so I try to ensure that I switch off the keyboard when I move away from the computer. At other times, I have inadvertently hit the wrong key and I’m never aware of it, but it must be what I’ve done as the in-house expert tells me it is. πŸ‘

 When I go back to do some work there is a frustrating moment when nothing appears on the screen, despite my rapid typing. There follows an ‘Ahhh!’ as I realise what I haven’t done. πŸ‘€

For the moment, I’m happy, so expect my posts henceforth to be littered with emojis, until I get bored and move onto something else. I’m such a child!

What was my solution? I searched ‘Add emojis’ in Word (I'm using Windows 10) and followed the instructions. However, when I attempted to copy and paste the entirety of this post, all the emojis disappeared to be replaced with empty boxes. 😒

 Then I read more of your helpful and most welcome comments and I think I’ve discovered another route. If only this level of research and diligence could be applied to something really useful, like finding an answer to Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) 

The emojis cannot be resized as they can in Word but it's a step forward. There is also not as wide a range of emojis. (Some people are never satisfied)



  1. I am not sure but I believe that your emoji issues are what is often referred to as a first world problem.

  2. Your whole post made me smile, especially at the end of each paragraph where there lurked the perfect illustration to go with your words!!

    1. Thank you, Jenny. I can get rather carried away. πŸ˜πŸ€”πŸ‘€πŸ‘Œ✔

  3. I almost never type in Word, instead typing my stuff directly onto the "new post" page which has an emoji option at the top along with options to add pictures or videos. I have discovered the shortcut to adding emojis in comments though 😊

    1. I rarely type straight into 'new post' because I'm constantly changing my mind about what I want to go where. πŸ˜’

  4. When you read your readers' helpful and welcome comments, you must have been delighted to get help from a source (bloggers) which may have come as a surprise. Some fellow bloggers have given me vital references that I would never have found myself. And with technical advice, even better.

    1. I learn a lot from fellow bloggers and from blogs in general, all gratefully accepted.

  5. I'm with River. I type directly into the blog post window. I don't have Word on my laptop and generally only add emojis when typing on my phone . πŸ˜‰πŸ‘©‍πŸ’»

    1. That's the sensible way to do it, probably, but I'm too inconsistent and changeable. 😎

  6. I chuckled over this . . . xx

    1. What we do when we've nothing to do - well, me, anyway. 😊

  7. Now what we need is sound effects we can insert like emojis.

    1. That would be great fun and a wonderful way to waste even more time. πŸ‘€

  8. I have spent a very enjoyable time reading through a months worth of your posts just now. Your posts are always interesting and informative and I love the latest mouse tale and the adventures of Gilbert and his favourite toys.
    I hope Barry is doing ok after his hospital stay.
    Take care and have a good week.

  9. Thank you, Beverley. Very kind. Yes, Barry is improving day by day, thank goodness.

  10. There's a few emojis been introduced fairly recently that I haven't a clue what they are supposed to mean ( sorry for bad grammar there ) I must look them up sometime and educate myself πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚
    Alison in Wales x

  11. This made me smile as I like emojis, though I don't often put them in my comments. Not sure how to do that when I am on my laptop. It's so easy when using the iPad. Good to read that Barry is improving.

  12. I love the dancing baloney. What us dinosaur-old programmers called all the emoji and gif. Glad you can use them too. 😸

  13. I just type directly into Blogger. The right mouse button brings up a menu with emojis at the top. That is what happens in Chrome anyway.

    1. I use Chrome, but don't type directly to Blogger - I make life difficult for myself πŸ€”

  14. You just taught me something else! The reason why right clicking when I was in Blogger wasn't bringing up an emoji menu was because I was not using Chrome. I just experimented. Happy to learn something new today!

  15. πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ƒπŸ‘

    Goodness! I think I just copied your emojis!

    All the best Jan

  16. I'm not sure I can follow, but at least your post made me smile :-) xxx

    1. It's all nonsense, really, like a lot of what I write! πŸ˜πŸ€£πŸ˜„


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