Tuesday 24 September 2024




                                 Great potoo (Nyctibius grandis)
Image courtesy Wikimedia Commons

I came across these birds quite by chance.

Potoos are related to nightjars and frogmouths. There are seven species of these pigeon-sized nocturnal insect-eaters, and they inhabit the tropics of Central and South America. They live in diverse habitats, from the dry Colombian deserts to the wetlands of Brazil, where they are known as ghost birds.

Great potoo (Nyctibius grandis)

Image courtesy Wikimedia Commons

During the day they rest motionless high up in the trees, their plumage acting like camouflage to resemble part of the perch. This is known as masquerading. At night, they perch and hunt from a lower branch. 

Common potoo (Nyctibius griseus) 

Image courtesy Wikimedia Commons

Hint: the bird is on the left as you look at the photograph

They have huge eyes and an extremely wide beak, which is brightly coloured inside, to attract insects. There is something that looks like a tooth in the upper part of the bill that helps them grasp their prey. One species of potoo, the great potoo, is capable of catching and swallowing small birds and bats whole.

Potoos do not build nests but lay their eggs on rotting tree stumps or a scrape on a branch. All potoos are thought to be monogamous, with both parents sharing the task of incubating the single egg and then feeding the chick.

Eggs and young potoo chicks may fall victim to monkeys and weasels. Excellent camouflage provides great protection for adult birds, but they, too, are predated on by monkeys, weasels, and birds of prey.

These remarkable and unusual birds live for twelve to fourteen years.

Potoo range

Image courtesy Wikimedia Commons




  1. The bird doesn't look realty me and the camouflage is remarkable. I hard a really difficult time finding the bird in the 2nd photo. All very interesting. Thanks

  2. What a curious looking creature and entirely new to me.


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