Saturday 21 September 2024

Thirty-two times


Thirty-two times

Have you ever tried following the advice to chew every mouthful thirty-two times? Counting the number of chews one makes is an odd thing to do. I just did it while eating some toast and each mouthful took about forty-three chews. Presumably, it would be less for refined white bread and much more for pumpernickel.

Chewing is the first stage in the digestive process, beginning the breakdown of food into smaller pieces. Taking longer to consume food can help to reduce the amount we eat and can also aid weight loss. If we eat faster, we tend to eat more, with a consequent intake of more calories than required and ultimately more flesh on our bones.

I had to smile at the following online advice, even though it makes perfect sense:

How to chew

When you’re eating, there is a right and wrong way to chew. Here’s how to get the most out of your meals:

  • Don’t overload your spoon or fork. Food should stay on without falling off. This puts me in mind of Spike Milligan’s little ditty.

‘I eat my peas with honey,

I’ve done it all my life,

It makes the peas taste funny

But it keeps them on the knife.’

  • With food in your mouth, close your lips and start chewing. Your tongue should move the food from side to side and your jaw should rotate slightly. The rotating jaw can be seen clearly in cows chewing the cud.
  • Chew slowly, counting to 32 with each bite of food. You may need more or less time depending on the type of food.
  • Once the bite has lost all texture, you can swallow. It may have lost all flavour by now, as well.

Further advice includes not drinking coffee immediately after a meal as it can speed up digestion and may cause heartburn. Doubtless, tea also has the same effect. Fruit and desserts should be avoided after a meal, too, because sugary foods are readily digested and can lead to bloating.

Basically, don’t eat too fast or you’ll get indigestion. 


  1. Good advice on avoiding heart burn

  2. Got some Thai food from a truck recently and suffered heartburn for days and indigestion for a few more. I shan’t be going back. /AC


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