Wednesday 25 September 2024




Sounds like a hairdresser, doesn’t it? There is actually a hairdresser in the village called Zappas, so I suppose that’s the association in my mind. We have an apparently inexhaustible supply of hair salons and barbers’ shops in Crowthorne as well as many charity shops supporting a variety of worthy causes.

Anyway, the Zappers I am referring to are insect destroyers. They emit ultraviolet light, which attracts insects and then electrocutes them. We only use them indoors against the annoying flies that buzz insistently round our heads and drive poor Gilbert mad. I am aware that more welcome bugs might be assassinated, but so far, it’s just the flies that have been done away with.

There is a loud ‘zap’ when an ill-starred fly is seduced by the light. Sometimes, though thankfully rarely, there is an unmistakeable smell of burning. I know that flies have their uses and it’s unfortunate that they have such a poor reputation. If only they would remain outside, they could live to buzz another day. Sadly, there is no chance of them learning by their mistakes.

1 comment:

  1. We had one many, many years ago. All it did was attract every flying insect across the state and run up the electricity bill.


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