Monday 18 April 2011

Magpie Tales #62 Homesick

Thanks go to Willow who organises and hosts this meme J To read more Magpies please click here.
Image copyright Tess Kincaid
Marianela knew a good breakfast was necessary to sustain her through class. Today she had prepared what she called her patriotic breakfast. Whenever she felt particularly homesick – and it was usually after problems with learning new steps – she cooked fried eggs and served them on her willow pattern plate. If she squinted she could make herself believe that the egg yolks looked like brilliant suns in a bright white sky. Blue, white and yellow – the colours of her country’s flag.

It was fanciful, of course, but it made her smile and seemed to shrink the thousands of miles between London and Buenos Aires. The only drawback was that she didn’t really like eggs. However she cut off another small piece and told herself she was eating sunshine and goodness.


  1. That's quite an imaginative story to match the eggs with "homesick". Nice twist adding that she didn't even like eggs!

  2. clever use of the prompt - nicely written

  3. What a sunny way to start the week. I love your analogy!


  4. I keep trying to comment and am having the worst time. It keeps jumping on me. Ahhh... maybe it'll be OK this time.
    I was trying to say that your post made me want to go down and have eggs instead of our usual oatmeal. Have a bright sunny day!

  5. Enjoyed that. It's a prompt pic to make us hungry this week.

  6. Wonderful, Janice, a much more positive approach than mine. "Eating sunshine and goodness" is beautiful.
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  7. How sad, to eat a breakfast you don't like, just to imagine blue sky and sun! :)

  8. A little slice of home...liked the theme and the execution. very nice. Vb

  9. Wow... I am impressed that you could go from simple eggs to the colors of her flag. I had immediately gone to homesick for family, not a patriotic note.

  10. Terrific! Loving the twist at the end.

  11. I really connected to the character and her missing home. It is strange the things we use to bring bits of life together.

  12. Awww - sunshine and goodness. Too bad she doesn't like the taste.

  13. I went to Google images to check the Argentinian flag. What a good idea you came up with.

  14. Lovely take and also enjoyed the twist at the end.

    Anna :o]

  15. Ninotizaz puts chilli and soy sauce on hers and I cant eat eggs without pepper and salt... my choice doesn't change the colour!

  16. hmmm!

    What creativity here even when she didn't like eating eggs.. :)

    How well you have matched it up with homesickness.. shouldn't she be doing something that would please her instead?

    Then again she wanted to eat sunshine- very well done!!

    Thank you for reading me at my site
    hugs xoox

  17. What happened to good old porridge?

  18. Good lead-up, love the end-line: fantastic capper. =)

  19. Highly imaginative and an enjoyable although sad read because I know about home sickness!

  20. Nice! Sometimes it's the simple things in life that pull us through. Lovely :o)


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