Wednesday, 11 January 2012

ABC Wednesday Z is for . . .

Zéphirine Drouhin
This beautiful old Bourbon rose is a constant reminder of my parents. It was one of their favourite roses and they gave Barry and me our first plant.
It is a good rose for beginners as it is easy to grow, is virtually thornless and has a sweet, mouth-watering fragrance. It will also grow in poor soils. It likes to climb but is not rampant, not growing much beyond 10’. Since its introduction in 1868 it has become a firm favourite both with ‘proper’ gardeners and those who dabble. It’s a rewarding rose and when it’s regularly dead-headed will flower continuously until November. It’s fully hardy so needs no special winter coddling. It is prone to mildew unless there is plenty of air circulating around it and is also a favourite with aphids – what isn’t?
The last photo could be called ‘The A-Z of Gardening’ – Aphids on Zéphirine Drouhin.
Zonal pelargonium  (Pelargonium x hortorum)
The Free Dictionary gives this definition: zonal pelargonium - an upright geranium having scalloped leaves with a broad colour zone inside the margin and white or pink or red flowers.
Pelargoniums are often erroneously called geraniums. Geraniums are hardy, herbaceous perennials. Pelargoniums are evergreen perennials native to southern Africa and are tolerant of heat and drought. In temperate climates they are grown as tender annuals, a favourite in summer gardens.

To see more Zs please click here.


  1. Beautiful photos once again, along with an interesting write-up.

  2. You say that rose is easy to grow; maybe even I could do it!

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  3. Gorgeous colors. Makes me relax.

  4. Clever choices for Z. . .and make me wish for spring. The history of your old rose is especially dear.

  5. And just gave me an idea I wrote down for my current writing project. Thank you for the inspiration!!!!

  6. A beautiful rose that holds a lot of values and memories.

    Zing is it for me. Hope you can visit and see. Have a nice day!

  7. I love just any kind of rose. Yours is gorgeous!

    Zodiac is one of my entries. Come see it when you get a chance. Thanks!

  8. Hi Janice .. interesting to know about your Rose - and just lovely that your parents gave you both your first one .. isn't that just a lasting memory.

    Photos are gorgeous .. even the Aphiduson Zéphirine Drouhin - I thought you'd written! New A - Z ..

    Cheers Hilary

  9. They are all beautiful ! I wished they would all bloom outside !
    I have only weeds growing ! Imagine, in January !!

  10. That rose is beautiful. It sounds like the type that I could actually grow and be successful.

  11. My little ZD rose was rudely uprooted from its home in Newcastle after being pruned quite savagely for travel, and planted in my new garden in Somerset - where, to my astonishment, it is definitely establishing itself. Time willroing tell.....

  12. Your flowers are beautiful. I'm afraid I'm a serial plant killer. I do have Knock-out roses that seem to thrive in spite of me, so I'm grateful for them.

  13. How utterly gorgeous! I wish I could grow roses. One small rosebush appears (best way to describe it!) in my front yard, but its blooms are no thanks to me, It just does well on its own!

  14. Very clever - the A to Z! I have taken pictures of roses before and didn't even realize there were aphids until I saw the picture on the computer!
    P.S. That's a gorgeous rose!

  15. Gorgeous! Beautiful flowers and lovely narrative.

  16. So very beautiful. I bet it has a lovely fragrance too.

    I don't have a sad. I better correct that!

  17. Lovely selection of photos, all related to Z words.

  18. I love your flower photos, especially the rose because of its special meaning.

  19. I need to try your rose. I have killed everyone I have tried to grow!

  20. Such gorgeous flowers! I'm also loving the look of your blog.

  21. what a great entry to finish with


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