Wednesday, 2 August 2023




A little piece of doggerel. Why is there no catterel?


When the busy day is done,

When there’s no more time for fun,

Up the stairs we lightly tread,

Now’s the time to go to bed.


Lay your paws upon my leg,

Do not scratch me, please, I beg,

I am big and you are small,

But that matters not at all.


Stretching out our weary limbs,

Sighing as the daylight dims,

Closing eyes to all around,

Off to Dreamland we are bound.


Reveries of joys we’ve shared,

Dreaming of the things we dared;

Tomorrow is a different place,

Another day to run and race.



  1. I love to see cat/dog displays of affection and contentment. Our Molly (cat) and Nylah (dog) get on well enough, and although they'll sleep near each other (in the same positions), there's no physical contact--almost ever. Once in a while, Molly will swat Nylah's tail, or Nylah will shoo Molly away from her food bowl, but peaceful co-existence is about all we can hope for. I'm so glad yours appreciate one another so much more demonstrably.

    1. Our cats and dogs have always got on well. The cats, Herschel and Jellicoe, are litter brothers but they don't really like each other very much. They adore Gilbert and Roxy, though, and seek them out.

  2. That is lovely. Please pass on gentle scritches.

  3. How sweet. My dog and cat snuggle together at bedtime too.

  4. I so enjoyed the words and photos - such a sense of peace and calm.

    Except maybe for the bit about size not mattering when it comes to scratching, yeah that bit makes me a bit anxious for Gilbert! (That IS Gilbert, isn't it?)

    1. It is Gilbert and he's only too aware of claws and teeth, since the cats sometimes get carried away . . .

  5. Hi Janice - wonderful piece of doggerel ... some animals just land in the right place - like yours ... cheers Hilary

  6. Thank you, Hilary - rubbish comes easily to me! x

  7. That's lovely - and thank you for discovering that catterel does exist, and for visiting my blog!


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