Wednesday 30 August 2023

Gilbert the Good - a Monty Don dog


 Gilbert the Good – a Monty Don dog

I told you a while age that my humans call me a Monty Don dog. Monty Don presents a television programme called Gardeners’ World and there are two dogs that help him, a Golden Retriever and a Yorkshire Terrier. I’m more the size of a retriever – well, I am a Labrador Retriever, so that makes sense.

Anyway, I think I could offer my services to Monty Don if he ever needs a stand-in, say if his dogs are on holiday or something. I like helping in the garden. I even bring things indoors sometimes – the odd branch, perhaps, or I particularly like flower pots and I don’t mind if they’re full or empty.

               I like to stick my nose in when Janice is weeding. Some of the things she pulls up look quite appetising. She pulled up a lot of mint the other day as it was growing everywhere, even in the pond. I like mint. It smells wonderful.

.Barry has been pruning trees and then he does something called ‘graunching’ which is very noisy. I stand well back. I don’t like loud noises.  He uses a big machine and wears things on his ears and over his eyes – I don’t know how he can see what he’s doing! Then he puts all the graunched bits back on the garden. He says the graunched bits are now called ‘mulch’. There’s a lot I don’t understand but I’m willing to learn. I could graunch some branches for him if it would help. He wouldn’t even have to take them off the trees.

I like smelling the flowers. My humans told me that Buddy Liver Spots liked to stand among the plants in the conservatory. He hated getting wet, so never went swimming, and always walked round puddles if he could, but loved to run through long wet grass. He was a Dalmatian, though, and I’m a Labrador, so we are quite different.  My long-ago relatives used to help the fishermen haul in the nets in Newfoundland and I’m sure my distant cousins still do. All Labradors have partially webbed feet so we’re all good swimmers.

I don’t like going into the garden when it’s raining and neither does Roxy, but we love to go walking when it’s wet. Bertie, who came before me, didn’t like going out in the rain when he was a puppy. If he needed a pee he used the cats’ litter tray. I haven’t done that and I’m too big now, anyway. I’m a good boy – I know that because my humans keep telling me I am.

Anyway, back to being a Monty Don dog. I think  I’d enjoy being on television. Lights! Camera! Action!





  1. I love smelling the flowers, trees and lawns, especially after gentle rain.

    1. The air smells quite different after rain - delicious.

  2. I am sure that's a nice cosy place to sleep!

  3. Replies
    1. He's a really nice dog and tries so hard to do the right thing.

  4. Gilbert you would make an excellent TV gardeners dog. You can come and help with the shredding and mulching here any time you like, dig about turning over the compost, sniff out any rodents that have made homes near the bird feeders...I'd film you if you wanted. (Can't promise a glittering TV career tho.)

  5. Gilbert, you would indeed be the perfect Monty Don dog, although we think it would be even better if you had your own gardening show on TV, perhaps with a human assistant.
    As for the weather, well a dog who did not like the rain would fare badly in Scotland. Gail tell's me that none of her dogs have been averse to going out in the rain, although her first pup, Hamish the Westie, hated getting the water absorbent furs on his back wet and so always wore a raincoat. Me, when it rains I'm like Taylor Swift, I just "Shake it Off".

    1. We'll go anywhere so long as the humans come with us, whatever the weather. We just don't like going out on our own. Woof!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. You keep watching and listening to Monty on
    a Friday night on BBC2 Gilbert...though not this
    Friday...some silly game of cricket is on...! :(.
    And you sound as if you do more to help your
    humans in the garden Gilbert, than the two on
    Garden's World..! Pair of lazy dogs they are...! :).

    I like Monty...He's about the best gardener and
    hosts the best gardening program on TV...! :).
    He's very hands on, and cares about his garden,
    Unfortunately for millions of Gardeners' World fans,
    Longmeadow is a private residence and you cannot
    visit it...! :(.

    1. I like spending time with my humans, whatever they're doing. Woof!

  8. Oh Gilbert, what fun you have outside! I only get to guard the patio flower pots and keep an eye out fur invaders to it. Precious

  9. That's a really responsible job, Precious. Woof!

  10. Gilbert you would have been the perfect (partner in crime) with me Arthur (over the rainbow bridge) I loved gardening. She not at all, but our neighbor made little holes in the garden to put flowers in ! Shame ! I thought she would prepare little loo's for me, so I covered the holes again and when flowers were in the hole, I pulled them out. I never understood why the neighbor complained ! He was so friendly to help me !

    1. Dogs don't fill the holes - they just make them larger (sometimes)

  11. Oh yes, Gilbert, you'd be a perfect stand-in for Monty's dog! Particularly since you love gardening and flower pots! I'd ask Janice to offer my services to Monty if I were you :-) xxx

  12. Of course you are a good boy, Gilbert! And a sweet fellow, too, I think :)

  13. Labradorable
    Alison in Wales x

  14. What a lovely dog. He must be so much help in the garden… and would look on the tele I am sure.

    1. He certainly likes being with his humans in the garden.


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