Tuesday 1 August 2023

The Clairvoyant Cabbie


The Clairvoyant Cabbie


My daughter had a strange experience in a London cab some years ago. The cab stopped at some traffic lights and the cabbie looked at my daughter through the driver’s mirror and said my late sister’s name. My sister had an unusual name, not one that would naturally spring to mind or easily be guessed, so my daughter was taken aback.

 When the cabbie then added my brother-in-law’s name to the mix, my daughter was even more perplexed. He said she was not to worry and that my sister was well and happy. My daughter and my sister did not look alike – blue/green eyes and long blonde hair against dark brown eyes and short dark hair, so there could have been no visual ‘jolt’ even in the unlikely event that my sister and the cabbie had met.

Was it chance that he happened upon my sister’s name? He and my daughter had never met before – it was a casual encounter between driver and passenger and they knew nothing of each other and had not been conversing. My sister had lived near her husband’s family in rural Norfolk for many years after moving from Kent and had never lived in London.

This was brought to mind when I was listening to Radio 4. Julian Clary was a guest on Paul Merton’s programme, Room 101 and mentioned a psychic cabbie in London. Apparently, there is also a psychic cabbie in Gateshead.


As Shakespeare’s Hamlet expressed it:

‘There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,

Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.’


  1. And you met him, the psychic cabbie :) Well done, mr cabbie.

  2. A good psychic picks up on clues you can't begin to imagine and works his or her magic.

    1. Yes, but he was driving at the time on a short journey.

  3. Some things are beyond scientific explanation.

  4. There are psychics among us, I just don't know any. But (there's always a but) I did have a non-visual dream once about a work friend who passed suddenly from a brain tumor, she let me know she was happier now that her painful headache was gone. And I felt my dad hanging around for a few weeks after his death although he never said anything in any way, then one day he was just gone.

    1. I think that's quite comforting.
      Two of my daughters woke quite suddenly at about the time my mother died.

  5. That must have been so unnerving for your daugher, but perhaps a kind reminder of your sister. Hamlet was right - more things in heaven and earth...

  6. It did unnerve her but she still ponders on it.

  7. That's hard to believe for a down to earth person. But sometimes things happen and you don't find an explanation.

  8. How fascinating ... I wonder if Julian's and your daughter's psychic cabbie is one and the same ... xxx

    1. It could be so, but we'll never know. x x

  9. Hi Janice - how very interesting ... they always 'worry' me - but I guess there must be quite a few around, even if we don't know. Cheers Hilary

  10. I know some people are very clever at 'reading' others, but this was bizarre.


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