Monday 25 September 2023

Gilbert the Good - time to go to bed


Gilbert the Good - time to go to bed

My humans stay up too late so I have to remind them when it’s time to go to bed. I bring Barry his slipper, just one – I can’t carry two at once. Janice doesn’t wear slippers so I climb on her lap instead. She does make funny noises when I do that, but I suppose I am a lot bigger than I used to be.

Here I am on the day I arrived.

Herschel, Roxy and me 
I was ever so pleased to see a big dog in my new home. It was so nice to cuddle up with Roxy. Now I’m bigger than her and she’s gone back to looking like a little dog again – well, as little as a Labrador can look. My humans say she’s not as small as Jenna-with-the-big-paws.

Once I’ve persuaded the humans to lock up and turn off the lights, we all go to bed and then we can relax until the morning. I think if I didn’t remind them about bedtime they would stay up all night and that wouldn’t be good for any of us. It’s all very well napping during the day, like the cats do and us dogs (and sometimes the humans) but it’s important to have a proper sleep.

 The humans say it’s to recharge our batteries, but I haven’t got any of those, so I don’t know what they mean, really.




  1. Gilbert is such a sweet boy bringing the slipper. He is bigger than Roxy now??

    1. He is taller, longer and will soon be broader than Roxy. It's hard to remember him as tiny!

  2. What a wonderful lad you are, Gilbert. How would your humans manage without your help? xx

    1. Well, we'd probably stay up all night ;-) xx

  3. Gosh Gilbert, you have humans that stay up too late? That is unheard of in the Gail and Nobby household. We are both aligned in being larks not owls.
    PS The photo of you carrying the slipper is beyond adorable.

    1. Gilbert frequently goes to bed before us, along with Herschel. Jellicoe and Roxy keep the humans company.

  4. Hope you remember to switch off the laptop
    before going to bed Gilbert...HeHe! Save energy!
    Well...You'll save enough of that overnight...! Bless!x
    ✨πŸ’›✨πŸ’›✨πŸ’›✨πŸ’›✨πŸ’›✨ πŸ’›✨πŸ’›✨πŸ’›✨

    1. Like all young animals, Gilbert sleeps suddenly and soundly.

  5. And then Gilbert, when you are having your best daytime nap, the humans will wake you to go for a walk. This is mostly ok by you but there must be times when you wish they wouldn't disturb you.

    1. Always ready for action, though I'm not sure about the middle of the night.

  6. Clever Gilbert, my cat stays on my lap until the very last moment, so no help there.

  7. Bess knows where she's best off;-) x x x

  8. It's difficult to get breakfast on time if you do not get to bed on time. I can see where your persistence will pay off on the mornings Gilbert.

    1. Gilbert's ready to eat at any hour of the day or night!

  9. Mr T knew that bedtime was 10pm and would arise from lap or fireside at about 3 minutes to, and sit in the doorway staring at the bottom of the stairs. We envied the expensive wristwatch he owned. You do pleading eyes so very well Gilbert. Good thing fur friends have such good internal clocks to keep humsns properly charged up.

    1. They do so much for us, and most of it unrecognised.

  10. Oh Gilbert, you are too funny, and what a cute puppy you were! xxx

    1. He's still cute, but much, much bigger! x x x

  11. I am not surprised that Janice makes noises when you sit on her lap ! I have not that problem Rosie is like a feather.

  12. Cats are much easier, even if they do have pins in their paws:-)

  13. Gilbert is a keeper for sure! Loved the photos.


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