Saturday, 9 September 2023

Pig Latin


Pig Latin

 This is nothing to do with Pig Latin. I just like the photograph. My sister loved pigs. 

We used to speak pig Latin at home for fun when I was a child. When I had children of my own I taught it to them. Its origins are unknown and range from ancient Rome to 19th century USA. Other languages have their own versions,  Kedelkloppersprook in German, Verlan in France, Kontinkieli in Finnish.

Once you get into the right frame of mind it can be fluent and amusing and quite baffling to people not accustomed to it.

‘Pig Latin is fun’ becomes Igpay Atinlay isay unfay. Simply, the initial sound of a word – it may be a consonant or a consonant cluster - is moved to the end of the word and ‘ay’ added. If the word starts with a vowel, like ‘apple’, just add ay, way or yay to the end so it becomes ‘appleay’ (or way or yay)

If the vowel is silent, as in ‘one’ then just add way or yay.

If the original word is a compound word, like ‘picnic’ or ‘nevertheless’, each part is ‘translated’ separately. Thus, picnic is ‘icpay icnay’ and nevertheless is ‘evernay ethay esslay’ or even ‘everthelessnay’ which is quicker and simpler.

For a long time I thought this word game was called backslang, but that’s something else altogether.

You can find examples on YouTube of Pig Latin being used . Look at Ginger  Rogers and Lead Belly


  1. I remember that so well from primary school in the 1950s. Thanks for the nostalgic moment :)

    1. I didn't use it at school - it was just a family thing for me.

  2. I remember this from primary school days, but don't think my kids went through it and I won't be teaching the twins either.

    1. You may find the twins develop a private language anyway - I understand that happens quite frequently.

  3. Like Hels I too remember using it at school. There was a Pg Latin craze where R worked in the early 80s and he became quite fluent.

    1. It's surprising how quickly one can become adept.

  4. Is pig Latin also in the 2000 languages, the bible was translated ? I love pigs too ! I wished I had one like George Clooney had, that was so cute.

  5. Pigs make very good pets, I believe. Highly intelligent.

  6. I don't remember this at all. I think I would have been very confused!

    1. It never happened at my school, only at home.

  7. Oh wow, I got a bit confused there but then I'm ' a bear of little brain'
    Fascinating topic though x
    Alison in Wales x

  8. ps in answer to your question, no, no blog of my own at the moment. I tried to reply on the Older post but my internet connection is crazy today and just wouldn't let me do it! :-)
    Alison in Wales x

  9. It's always fun having a secret language..


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