Tuesday 27 August 2024

Deliveries and returns


Deliveries and returns


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I was pleased to see that Andrew received his full reimbursement.

Castor cups

Image source

Barry ordered something or other – air fryer ‘accessories,’ that was it. A parcel duly arrived, by way of China, of course, but it contained furniture castor cups, so he contacted Amazon and was greeted very respectfully and cheerfully by a young woman, who organised a return label, posted to his email address.

So, he printed it, but noticed that it required him to return the item he didn’t want, that referring to the air fryer accessories. It became an Alice in Wonderland situation, then, because, ‘I can’t return it because I haven’t received it,’ but, ‘We cannot refund you until you return the unwanted item.’ After a bit (actually, quite a lot) of to-ing and fro-ing, a resolution was reached and the money will be refunded – eventually.

Meanwhile, someone is in possession of air fryer accessories and bemoaning the lack of delivery of furniture castor cups.

The people at Amazon customer services are unfailingly polite and helpful. I hope they’re appreciated for the work they do.


  1. I wonder sometimes just how much money Amazon loses by having to replace or refund items not received and do they care enough to be more careful?

    1. I suspect it depends on the initial cost of the item and how many of that type 'disappear.'

  2. Yesterday we took delivery of a mini cooker for my m in law. We had to give the driver a password - actually a number - first time we've had to do this, but I suppose Amazon must lose a lot of money with things going awry. BTW we ordered one of those air fryer accessory sets, very dinky and quite useful. Hope yours arrives soon. 😀
    Alison in Wales x

    1. We have had to give a number for some things, though I'm not sure it was for Amazon. It makes sense, but the delivery people don't have a lot of time - they work hard for their money.

  3. I have just bought one of those accessory sets from our local hardware shop. The last one left in stock. Probably not as cheap as Amazon but at least it didn't get lost in the post!

  4. Hubby has used the customer services at Amazon a couple of times, often because the company wants him to pay to return and send to different address, each time Amazon sides with him and are very helpful. We had the same as Alison, new Shark vacuum cleaner, had to give a pass number to receive the parcel, great idea.

    1. They always try to make the customer do the work by taking it somewhere, but Barry plays the old soldier and someone - usually Royal Mail - comes to collect it.

  5. What a laugh. Aside from having to use Amazon to buy Kindle books, I will not use it for anything else. Maybe if I'm desperate. My morals only stand up to a point of convenience.

    1. That implies I have no morals at all . . . ;-)

  6. I've always found Amazon customer service to be nothing but helpful and polite. I know they get a bad press sometimes but good prices backed up with good customer service is a winning combination and not many retailers offer this sadly.

  7. At least Amazon does a full refund. No questions asked. Right here in Melbourne, the vendor never acknowledged their faults

    1. That is disgraceful and no way to encourage local custom.

  8. I am grateful to say that I do not have to be in that line of work. I can just a imagine any customer service rep that by the end of the day they're pulling their hair out. And confusion on the part of your husband and what arrived and what did not arrive.

    1. They sound so young - maybe everyone does these days ;-)

  9. Amazon is wonderful...when it works.... I have had good experiences with things ordered, received, and returned. One time when I ordered the wrong tea, which was supposedly NOT returnable or refundable, they refunded me anyway and said I could either keep the tea, give it away, or throw it away.

    1. It would cost them more and possibly mess up their stock control to do otherwise.

  10. I was going to say something entirely different, but then I read Lynn's comment above and I thought about those customer service reps with empathy. I wonder if they joke between themselves about angry customers, just to let off some frustration.

    1. Some people are so rude - it must be a thankless task sometimes.

  11. Last year I thought I ordered the right thing but I didn't and when I got the package I called (actually was able to call on the phone) Amazon and got a real person. I explained it was my error and she told me to keep the wrong thing anyway (I was willing to return it-my error). She got the right thing out to me. I was impressed.

    1. We've had that happen with groceries, sometimes.

  12. How frustrating, but I'm glad to hear that it'll all work out in the end. Hoping the same for the other person.
    I can't share any experiences since I'm one of those old-fashioned people who prefers buying in brick and mortar shops! xxx

    1. You're a good citizen and support your local shops. We're always being exhorted to 'shop locally.'

  13. Having to return an item can be frustrating, but at least Amazon makes the process easy - CJ


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