Friday 2 August 2024

Olympic boxing 2024


Olympic boxing 2024

 Image courtesy Wikimedia Commons

There have frequently been complaints about the conduct of boxing matches at the Olympics over the years. Some referees are excellent, while others do not appear to understand the rules of boxing. Judges are often criticised for poor decisions.

The critics are usually successful professional former fighters.

An Algerian boxer who failed the International Boxing Association gender test was allowed by the International Olympic committee to take part in a bout against an Italian woman. Angela Carini is an experienced boxer and an exceptionally good one, but she refused to fight on after two heavy blows in the first minute of the fight left her with a suspected broken nose.

The Australians are now genuinely concerned that one of their women is in grave danger if she enters a bout with a boxer from Chinese Taipei, who also failed a gender test administered by the International Boxing Association.

There is no place for such unfair fights.


  1. Boxing- ugh, not a fan. I would change that last sentence to" There is no place for______fights.

    1. Boxing is a skill and good when properly regulated.

  2. I agree. If a person has the physical aspects of a man, then he should fight someone of the same strength. It just doesn't make sense

  3. The aim of boxing is normally to beat an opponent to a bleeding pulp before he beats you up. So even if the two boxers shake hands when the match has ended and even if the rules are honoured, it is still thuggery inside a ring.

    1. If it descends to 'thuggery' as you call it, it has not been properly refereed. The objective is to win points, as in fencing or judo or archery, not reduce your opponent.

  4. I too, think boxing should have no place in a modern sports arena. It's sheer thuggery dressed up and the aim is to hurt someone else as much as possible. It's disgusting. xx

    1. Boxing is a skill. The aim is to win points, not beat your opponent senseless. A good referee does not allow that to happen.

  5. It must be fun to watch people deliberately hurting each other. But why they do this, I can't imagine.

    1. The opponents are not attempting to hurt each other, but to score points. Properly regulated and refereed, it is a contest of skill.

  6. Boxing just seems wrong to me full stop.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Plenty of sports carry an element of pain - rugby, judo, equestrian events and look at the amount of strapping on a diver or gymnast.

  7. I don't think transgenders should be allowed and I don't agree with boxing as a sport anyway. Like Hels said, it's thuggery and they get paid for it! But how much money can compensate for smashed noses and cauliflower ears? Brain damage?

    1. Rugby, gymnastics, tennis, diving often result in life-changing injuries. No-one sets out to damage themselves or others.

  8. I always say I love watching all sports but Boxing is the one sport that I won't watch. Glad I didn't see this except for on the news later - horribly unfair

    1. I agree Sue. There are so many fantastic sports to play or to watch, even if there are occasional injuries eg hockey, diving, netball, swimming.

    2. There are dirty players in all sports, some more obvious than others. A hockey stick can inflict a great deal of damage!

  9. Normally I am thrilled to see women's participation in sports that have generally considered a male domain. But I agree with the above comments, and would much rather not see anyone, male or female or whatever, taking part in such a barbaric activity.
    Cheers, Gail.

    1. Properly regulated and refereed, it is no more dangerous than many another sport.

  10. I only would watch boxing if there were two politicians fighting, instead sending innocent soldiers. We would have less wars. I don't care about what gender or color people have, for me they are all the same. French police was criticized for being so brutal and rude. They had to take special courses to learn politeness before the games !

    1. I agree. It's simplistic, but if a political leader disagrees with another political leader, let him or her have the fight, rather than sending every mother's son or daughter into battle.

  11. I am another who finds Boxing repellent. I find no pleasure in seeing people punch hell out of each other.

    1. In the end, it's their choice. No-one is forcing them.

  12. Not a fan of boxing, I'm afraid, I can't change channels fast enough when it's on. I can't even watch fictional boxing scenes ... xxx

    1. Barry was a very good amateur boxer and was asked in various places of employment to teach the women how to throw a good punch, should they ever need to protect themselves.

  13. It is not exactly ladylike, is it.

  14. Amateur boxing (Golden Gloves), I'm told, helped one of my uncles, who grew up in a rough area of New York City, stay off the streets and channel his energy. Having said that, I have become disillusioned with the Olympics in general. I still watch the gymnastics competitions but that's about it. I never did watch the boxing.

    1. Boxing instils discipline, that's certain.

  15. Absolutely right and the IOC should sort it out seeing as the International Boxing Association rules differ. It’s very unfair when someone has trained long and hard for the Olympics.
    I’m not a lover of boxing, however! To me, it’s not a sport!

  16. I think the IOC is proving itself to be rather foolish.

  17. Allowing men to compete in women's sport events is wrong and sets women's rights back 50 years. This Algerian man had marked female on his passport and so despite his XY chromosomes the IOC allowed him to enter the women's boxing competition. I can't believe that people are letting this nonsense continue and acting like it's okay.

    1. I fear that eventually all womens' sports will be affected and ruined. I know some people are born with anomalous sex characteristics, but they are a vanishingly small minority.


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