Friday 23 August 2024

Wednesday surprise


Wednesday surprise

Ariella with Gilbert
The dogs looked up, alert, as they heard a voice and some scuffling. Then they realised it was Gillian and two of her grandchildren. Roxy and Gilbert greeted Gillian enthusiastically.


Roxy was very happy, as experience reminded her that little children are closely associated with food and sticky fingers. Gilbert has never experienced little ones so he lay down close to me and watched carefully.

Ariella with the Quintopus

 Eventually, he realised that they can be fun, especially when Ariella, who is three and a half and accustomed to many dogs in her life, began playing with him with his Quintopus. Luca, her little brother, will be three in October, and he did what most children his age do, and that is, followed his own agenda.

Gilbert realises that small children can be fun . . . or, at least, the source of food!

Ariella with a reindeer push-up toy, which she was determined to master - and did!

We had a lovely and totally unexpected day with them, thanks to Gillian, who has form for turning up unannounced and full of enthusiasm. They are delightful children, both blonde and blue-eyed, as is all of Gillian’s family. It is invigorating to spend time with young minds and inquisitiveness. 

Gilbert watches . . .

It was a grand tonic for both of us, Barry, in particular, who continues to improve daily.

On the way home, they called in to see Susannah, Gillian’s younger sister, who lives less than ten minutes away from us, so her day was brightened, too, as it needed to be.

A pensive Luca

Thank you, Gillian 😊💖


  1. The kids are so adorable. Sounds like a fun afternoon.

  2. How beautiful they are Janice! Yes there is something about spending time with children I do agree. They live very much in the moment & I think we can learn alot from this - just beautiful. xx

    1. We cannot be as innocent and trusting, but we could learn from their openness and willingness to engage.

  3. They are both beautiful children!

  4. Beautiful little ones, and they are so much fun when they are that age, learning to be independent.

  5. What lovely children. Nobby has had very few opportunities to interact with young humans so far, and now he knows about the sticky fingers he thinks that is a shame!

  6. Little poppets. Sounds like a lovely day.

  7. They bring so much joy, and the peace when they have gone is just as good. We have our grandchildren here today, better get to the shops to ensure we have enough food.

    1. There's an emptiness when they go, followed by inexplicable tiredness;-)

  8. They look gorgeous, and I just knew you were the type to love unannounced visitors.

  9. Such pretty children and a fun surprise for you (including Gilbert and Roxy).

    1. Roxy and Gilbert slept long and hard after the children left!

  10. This looks like a fun time for the entire family. I love seeing your sweet little faces as they're playing with the dog toys and the dogs.

    1. Everyone was very relaxed. They're lovely children and not at all noisy or disruptive.

  11. How lovely your photos are. I'm pleased to hear your husband is getting better.
    Alison in Wales x

  12. Sounds like a fun day for all. I hope Gilbert got extra treats

    1. Gilbert always gets extra treats, one way or another ;-)

  13. A lovely and fun day with children, it doesn't get better than that. And how adorable they both are, and doggie too, of course.

  14. 😊 a great day had by all by the sounds of it. Beautiful children.

  15. What lovely children! I’m glad that you had a good time. Well..amazingly, the same thing happened to us, yesterday, as whilst looking after the youngest grandchild, the two older ones turned up unexpectedly, with my daughter. I do love surprises like that! It makes my day! Have a good weekend. 😁

  16. Lovely for the grandchildren to get together, too.

  17. How adorable they are, and it seems like you've had a lovely day too. Glad to read that Barry's health is improving! xxx

  18. Adorable children, and great names! I smiled at your comment about little children with food and sticky fingers, a dogs dream come true!

  19. What adorable surprises! My dog loves it when my granddaughter visits.

    1. Violet is just about the right age and stage for your dog to really enjoy ;-)

  20. Oh my word,
    those children are utterly gorgeous- like they just dropped in from the place where angels are made!

    1. My daughter and granddaughter would be so delighted to hear that.

  21. Such a beautiful day. For everyone. xx

  22. Such sweet photos of the children and their interactions with the pups. Sounds like an exceptional day. Thanks for sharing these lovely photos :)

  23. They're very accustomed to dogs. My whole family is a dog's delight;-)


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