Monday 27 September 2010

Microfiction Monday #50

Lovely Susan from ‘Stony River’ organises and hosts this weekly meme. Thank you Susan J She provides a picture to prompt imagination and the challenge is to create a story in 140 characters or less – including punctuation! Click here to read more marvels of microfiction – and perhaps join in. It’s fun!
Here is this week’s picture accompanied by my story.

Pat watched the tanker’s slow swift progress. The illusion of non-movement bothered her. What was it called? Google would work hard tonight.
(140 characters)


  1. Google must be the hardest working engine going not counting you!

  2. Gotta Love Google, It has helped me out on more than one Occasion also.

  3. How did you think of Google for an MM? Genius. Loved it!

  4. my how the internet has changed things!

  5. Google works very hard for me too. S much so, I think my brain has atrophied while Google worked. Thankfully, there are great micro fictions to read like this one, to keep my thoughts alive.

  6. I feel the need to Google the word that is used to describe the illusion of non-movement. And if everybody who reads this does that, Google certainly will be working hard tonight ;-)
    This is a fun meme, but I wouldn't dare to join. I could never come up with such brilliant microfictions ;-)

  7. does work hard...had to use it for Susan's as i had never heard of a "selkie". I enjoyed your take!

  8. Don't we all just love Google...WOOT!
    well done!

    Mine is up

    Have you a Blessed Week!

  9. And you haven't told us the word?! Bum!

  10. I love your phrase "slow swift progress" but it could really confound Google.
    Your photo reminds me so much of the place I'll always think of as "home" -- the Greater Vancouver area of British Columbia. I lived in the suburbs and commuted to the city, and loved to sit on one of the city's lovely beaches to speculate on the freighters at anchor awaiting their turn to dock. When I was young, my job at the Vancouver Sun included making up the "Ships in Port" list every day.

    Alberta, Canada
    PS: Here's one for Google. My verification word is "fratilab" which I take to mean "brother of a retrieving dog" rather than the obvious "laboratory where scientists play rather than work".

  11. I love the sensation I get when I focus on something that is moving, but it feels as though I am moving and it is standing still.

  12. Long live Google ! Since I discovered Google I feel more intelligent ! Call me Wikipedia !

  13. Hommage to Google LOL! :O)

  14. I was waiting for somebody to write about the tanker. :-)

  15. I used to watch the C-5's climb into the sky out of Ramstein AB when I was stationed there and always marveled how something so big could stay up and move so slowly! Of course, it was the same illusion . . . well done -- you've made us think!

  16. Nice! & TG for Google...

  17. What is it called...hmmmmmmmmm. :O)

  18. Clever. It's true that there always is Google :)

  19. What did we do before google! My 140 Hope your week goes well

  20. Google had to work overtime as all of us looked for the word for illusion of non-movement!

  21. Yep, Mom always said go look it up!

  22. I think it's called "cheap wine"

  23. Very interesting meme and the short story you put together is thought provoking.

  24. How did you know what I'm like? This story is about me!

    I like your unique take on this week's picture...bringing Google into it!

  25. J.B, this is getting no place fast for Pat. I'm smiling. I hope Google can help. I will try.

    If it were on land we could call it spinning one's wheels.
    In the air, feathering the prop.
    How about rowing with the oars out of the water?

  26. What a lovely serene photo!

  27. Love your 140 character story Janice, and what a fun meme.
    An English Girl Rambles

  28. Cute story and clever punch line. Who doesn't google all their questions these days?


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