Thursday 23 September 2010

SkyWatch Friday September full moon and a stormy sky

The September full moon is known as the Fruit Moon or the Harvest Moon, both appropriate names for a month in which Harvest is celebrated.
Maybe this was the moon which inspired Alfred Noyes (1880-1958) 
'Look for me by moonlight;
Watch for me by moonlight;
I'll come to thee by moonlight, though hell should bar the way!'

Last night we had the full moon in all her glory. Today we had heavy rain and then it cleared to a fine late afternoon. This evening's sunset was couched in roiling, boiling clouds of incredible hues.
There were one or two raindrops on the camera lens

. . . and please forgive the indulgence. I love this song and I so enjoy watching Laurel and Hardy. I shall be singing this song for a day or two!

Thanks go to the SkyWatch Friday team who organise and host this lovely weekly meme. To see more wonderful skies please click here.


  1. The sky was amazing on my way home tonight, and me and the children got very wet this afternoon!

  2. Beautiful skies. We hada harvest moon last night and we were actually able to see it. The clouds have cleared away for a few days. That Alfred Noyes quote is from one of my favorite poems "The Highwayman". They made it into a short movie and that was the first time I learned to appreciate poetry. The dialogue was only from the poem. I like the opening part: "The road was a ribbon of moonlight across the purple moors" and especially "The moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas". Probably my first step into the study of English literature.

  3. I'm pleased that the children go out in the rain ;-)

  4. What terrific captures, Janice! The moon shot is breathtaking and I love the colors! And, it was fun hearing this old song again, too! Great post for the day! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  5. Lovely shot of the full moon, Janice. It's overcast here so I guess I'll have to look at your photo to see it. :)

  6. I took a couple of pictures of the moon, too. Yours are brilliant!

  7. Like Chris J, I love the poem "The Highwayman"... and the "ribbon of moonlight" and the "ghostly galleon" were my favorite parts, too, although not my first fall into love with literature.
    Beautiful harvest moon. Thanks, Janice.

    Alberta, Canada

  8. Beautiful skywatch shots, love the full moon!

  9. Lovely photos! Wish you a great Friday

  10. Oh, a full moon! the one the clouds don't let me see tonight.
    Beautiful shots!

    My SkyWatch

  11. this is a nice veiled look to your moon!

  12. Fantastic moon shot. That is an awesome picture.

  13. Inspiring skies wreathed in gorgeous colours and patterns!

  14. Oh the Highwayman - love it! Yorkshire moors in the poem too! Awesome!

  15. Thank you for the (1939) Laurel & Hardy clip. Followed your link from Stafford's blog. Yes, the current full moon is not to be missed. Last night's view of it from the coast of California honestly looked just like your photo above. Very nice


  16. Wonderful views of the sky. The full moon is beautiful.

  17. I just love the moon and your photo is beautiful. Whenever I take a picture of the moon it looks like a small lightbulb. But I'll keep trying.

  18. Great photos and love the quote.I always love to take photos when it is full moon too.

    Have a great weekend.

  19. I love your photo of the moon and enjoyed the video. Guess what song is stuck in my head? But I don't mind a bit. Thanks for a great post!

  20. Could that really be Laurel singing, or a ghost voice? I never think of him in this way.

    Lovely moons.

  21. We've had some beautiful moons here over the last few days but last night the rain arrived with a vengeance.

  22. You were lucky to be able to see the moon ! Over Waterloo it was black sky with a little pale light. Laurel & Hardy are unpayable !

  23. Oh wow! This is so cool! Love that shot. I can't even see the moon tonight.

  24. We're on the same wavelength again, but you've done a much better job of getting that moon. The wispy clouds are gorgeous, too. We're slated for a bit of rain here, too, so you've inspired me to take the camera with me to school in hopes of getting something lovely as well.

  25. The full moon also caught my eye when it hung outside my kitchen window in BC. Your beautiful photo of it is quite mystical. :)

  26. I love your restless, colorful clouds.
    That's a great Laurel and Hardy clip.


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