Monday 13 September 2010

Macro Monday and Mellow Yellow Monday

Thank you to Lisa from 'Lisa's Chaos' who organises and hosts this meme. Click here to see more macros.
Here are more shots of the Southern Hawker that visited our garden to find a place to lay her eggs.
 For Mellow Yellow Monday I selected some nasturtiums. 

To see more yellows please click here.


  1. I love nasturtiums. Have you ever eaten them?

  2. Great macros of the dragonfly, she is a beauty. I really like the golden yellow of the nasturtiums.

  3. Thanks for the comment!

    great macro of the dragon fly, and i'd say that's a happy yellow, too!


  4. Wow! really lovely!! The dragonfly is just gorgeous!! Terrific pictures! Cathy

  5. I especially like the very last photo...gorgeous.

    Here is my macro link

    Hope to have you visit if time allows! Happy Monday.

  6. Beautiful captures! I'm very partial to the bug photos, as I have such a hard time with them!

  7. Since starting my blogging (July 1 only) I've been amazed at how many different gorgeous dragonflies there are, yours is no exception. Flowers surprise me less, but the never fail to please.

    [In the past few years I've been approached by security personnel to stop taking photos all over the world in public spaces, especially in transportation hubs. My guess is that they are collectively fearful the photos could be used for terrorist ends. Personally I think it's silly to the extreme, because those people will not be carrying a big black DSLR; cell phones take adequate photos for that evil purpose.] :-)

  8. Must be dragonfly week in the blogosphere. So many wonderful colors, wow.
    Love the yellow nasturtiums. I remember being served nasturtiums with a salad in Seattle, and they were certainly edible but I forget the taste. Long time ago.

    Alberta, Canada

  9. Thank you, folks, for your kind comments.
    Yes, we eat nasturtium flowers, leaves and seed heads. The latter can be eaten raw or pickled to make Poor Man's Capers. The flowers and leaves are peppery and give a good zing to a salad :-)

  10. Dragonflies are one of the few flying insects I like! This one looks pretty with her green stripes matching the strips of grass.

  11. that dragonfly is fantastic. Spectacular shots.

  12. I know that insects are great subjects for macros, but still I prefer a dog or cat hair or !

  13. I've never seen a dragonfly that color. Wonderful photos.

  14. Lovely captures! Thanks for visiting Word of the Day.

  15. Wonderful details in the Southern Hawker images.


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