April A-Z
blogging challenge 2012

The next story in this sequence of short stories of 250 words
or fewer starts with V. All the stories are about the life and times of a
fictional character called Alice.
Alice’s favourite flowers were violets, quiet, unassuming
little plants that returned faithfully year after year. They had spread in her
garden until they carpeted the grass under the trees, a perfect purplish-blue
gift for tired eyes.
Alice was often weary. Ivy had broken her hip shortly after
her 90th birthday and her recovery had been protracted. She was scared of further falls and less
independent and so needed constant companionship. Ruth kept her company at
night but was still working so Alice volunteered to stay with her mother during
the day. Ivy had a limited range of repetitive conversation, preferring to
revisit well-worn topics rather than take an interest in current affairs. Alice
found it hard to maintain a dialogue.
Gradually, Ivy’s character changed. She began to treat Alice
like a servant, giving her orders and complaining in querulous tones. Dismayed,
Alice realised that it was almost impossible to recognise her mother. Ruth was
finding her difficult, too. When she started throwing things at them they
realised they could no longer cope and found a care home for her where
sympathetic staff looked after her and calmed her as best they could.
Alice and Ruth visited her regularly but soon she didn’t know
them and was confused by their presence. There were brief moments of clarity when
she asked after Daniel.
Ivy died in 1990, aged 93. Alice grieved but was also relieved.
Her mother’s last two years had been filled with bewilderment and distress.
Finally she was at peace.
It's sad when people start to become forgetful, and lash out at their loved ones. :(
ReplyDeleteI can relate to this as both my grandmothers suffered from dementia.
ReplyDeleteA story very much for our times, and charmingly told - as have they all been, that I have read.
ReplyDeleteDementia is hard to cope with. I think Alice and Ruth were smart to find a nice home for Ivy's last two years.
ReplyDeleteIt is hard when someone changes so drastically in old age, but at least they knew they did the best for her and had many memories of her earlier life. And yes, Ivy is now at peace.
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to see that change come over those we love and even harder having to deal with it on a daily basis in the role of caregiver. I think maybe it's that change in our loved ones that makes it just that little bit easier to let them go.
ReplyDeleteOh yes, the curse of old age. I fear that is growing more prevalent these days.
ReplyDeleteHow sad but it seems more and more common. Dementia robs everyone...a very cruel disease.
There is a lot of truth and pain in this story. Well done.
ReplyDeleteOh so sad but realistic as well. Both I and close friends have seen dementia in the last days of family members' lives.
ReplyDeleteHi Janice . you've described it well - and it's always tough on the family members who care.
ReplyDeleteLove the thought of violets around the tree - they're so pretty - cheers Hilary