Tuesday, 5 December 2023


Good advice


Taxi, police car, hearse, ambulance

'Tis the season of idiot drivers. Avoid at all costs.


  1. Here in Aus. I'm beginning to think all year round is the season of idiot drivers. We have youths who regularly zip down major highways at the speed of a jet plane. Just last night on the news I heard of two youths in separate cars zipping down a major road at 160km per hour, the speed limit there is about 60kph. Earlier this year a black car went zipping up and down my street, a side street which is quite narrow, so fast I couldn't tell what type of car it was. I phoned the police and they said "Did you get the numberplate?" Hah! impossible at the speed he was going.

    1. It is very worrying. It's not just the drunk or hungover but also the drugged up we have to worry about.

  2. This is a really powerful advertisement. Unfortunately, the people who should be attending to it won't.

  3. Wow - so, so true.
    There's some idiots around and they just get worse at this time of year. Alcohol fuelled danger.

  4. Melbourne drivers are not known as morons; our roads are wide, flat and straight. But this week I saw a moron cross the double line, travel fast up the right side of the road and pulled suddenly back into the correct side of the double line without warning. If anyone had been travelling in the other direction, the driver and front passenger of both cars would have died.

    1. It's heart-stopping to witness that sort of behaviour.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. How do I deal with bad drivers?
    More often than not, the best approach is to put as much
    distance between you and the driver in question as possible...
    Give them plenty of space to do whatever silly thing they're
    doing and try to keep yourself out of the potential disaster
    If everything fails..Dial one or 'ALL' the services above...! :O(

    1. We have dash cameras front and rear of our car. When people notice them they back off.

  7. It is a powerful image, we won't be out and about much this year, we rarely go out in the evenings, preferring lunchtime meals with friends.

    1. I dread my family being out and about at this time of year.

  8. Unfortunately this is very true :-( xxx

  9. Everyone seems short of time and patience and hangovers and/or drunkenness don't help. x x x

  10. We learnt to drive when you had to have a sense of your car and what the wheels were doing. Modern cars make driving like a video game, and those who have never driven anything else don't realise it can have real life consequences.

  11. That is very true but there are also many more vehicles on the road, faster and heavier. There are so many 'safety features' that a driver might be seduced into believing s/he is invincible.

  12. Powerful advert. So sad that all those vehicles will be needed and only one of them a good choice. I hope more people make good choices this year and exercise a little more patience on the road. Now what a good Christmas gift that would be!!

  13. They are standing by and read for action. Let's hope no one ever needs more than the taxi, but I know better.

  14. Self-restraint goes out of the window along with good judgement when drivers risk 'just a little one, then.'

  15. Oh how very true Janice .... & the perfect line up there too.xx

  16. No-one ever thinks they are going to be affected . . .


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