Thursday, 28 December 2023

Gilbert the Good - the banana


Gilbert the Good – the banana

The other day I noticed a lovely bunch of bananas on the kitchen work top. They looked delicious and my mouth was watering at the prospect of eating one. I sniffed and gazed and sniffed again. 

I’ve often heard Janice telling Frankie to ‘help himself’ so I thought I could do the same. After all, I’m a big boy now and I like bananas very much, so I did what anydog would do and helped myself.

The bunch landed on the floor and I carefully separated one and took it to my bed. I was just about to eat it when my humans noticed and removed it. I was disappointed but also very proud of myself; there were no toothmarks on the banana and it wasn’t at all bruised.

We Labradors have very soft mouths.





  1. Ha ha! They do get up to such mischief don't they?

  2. Poor Gilbert, denied his banana. but are they okay for dogs to eat?

    1. Dogs and bananas are fine. Gilbert and Roxy really enjoy an occasional banana.

  3. sooo funny and cute, the other day I was making toast and had left a slice of bread on the counter top..........turned my back for a moment then, realised the slice was missing, Jas the lab looking up at me with guilty eyes the whole slice being held oh so gently in that soft mouth.......she gave it up to me , one eyebrow raised " Just trying to help Mum....." 😄
    Alison in Wales x

  4. Ah! Bless! I would have thought one of your
    humans would have cut off a little piece for
    you Gilbert...! :(
    Never mind, l expect you had lots of treats for

    My daughter brought her dog , Nala, down for
    Christmas...she had a lovely time, Boxing day
    evening, me and Nala sat on the two seater
    settee, finishing off the left over venison...I'm
    her friend for life now...HeHe! Bless her...! :)x
    🌷🌸🌷 🌷🌸🌷 🌷🌸🌷 🌷🌸🌷 🌷🌸🌷

  5. Gilbert, you are indeed an amazing dog. Now that banana will go to a deserving human.

    1. . . . and maybe a little will go to each dog . . .

  6. Oh Gilbert - caught out! I can't imagine what banana does to your digestive system? My friend's dog eats everything his humans eat except lettuce and celery - but he doesn't get human meals just his own specially prepared ones. Perhaps you need to perfect big soft eyes along with that soft retriever mouth.

  7. Gilbert says: Roxy and I both love bananas - and carrots - and celery, but they are only occasional treats, sadly . . .

  8. Oh dear, Gilbert, being caught out after so much effort must have been quite the letdown! xxx

    1. He did look rather disappointed. . . x x x

  9. Aww LOL Gilbert is a sweetie :)

    All the best Jan

  10. I suppose Gilbert couldn't be rewarded with the whole banana but I would have been very tempted if confronted with that sweet face.

    1. Sometimes he does have a whole banana - it goes down almost in one!


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