Wednesday 27 December 2023

Drunk as a . . . duck!


Drunk as a  . . . duck!

Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

This is a true story, or so I’m told.

A farmer’s wife in Eastern Europe had been making cherry liqueur. When the cherries had steeped in the vodka for long enough, she removed them and threw them into the garden, whereupon the ducks ate them. They soon became inebriated and passed out.

 When the farmer’s wife chanced to see them she thought they were dead. She didn’t know how they had died so preferred not to cook them, but decided to pluck them anyway, for at least the feathers would be useful. She left the bodies in a heap for her husband to bury while she busied herself with other chores.

After a while the ducks woke up. The farmer’s wife was so concerned that she knitted them little sweaters until their feathers grew back.

Another story, this time from the Lake District, tells of a lady in Victorian times who discovered her ducks stretched out in the road. She assumed they were dead, so plucked them ready for the oven. To her surprise, they woke up and she was so overcome with guilt that she knitted little waistcoats for them. It transpired that a barrel of beer in the cellar had slipped its metal bounds and the contents had leaked into the ducks’ feeding area, soaking their food and thus intoxicating them. 

The Drunken Duck Inn in Ambleside takes its name from this incident.

There was also a tippling duck called Star who lived in Devon. He was raised by Barrie Hayman, who used to carry him in his shirt pocket when he was a small duckling in 2011. Star followed his owner everywhere, and in the pub he developed a taste for ale. He wore a selection of bow ties and was a popular local character, helping to raise money for charity, busking with his owner. He lived in the house with the family, including the dog. One day, after a drinking session in the pub, Star irritated the dog so much that she pounced on him and bit his bill, splitting the lower part. You can read more about the incident here.

Star also attended church, joining in with the Lord’s prayer, quacking every line.

Star died in December 2022, aged eleven.

The YouTube clip below features Star. I turned off the sound and fast forwarded to the parts starring this very special duck, at 0.09 seconds, 0.45 seconds 1.21 minutes and 2.25 minutes.



  1. I wouldn't kill ducks either.. killing causes terrible suffering to the victims. But for families who do eat meat, I suppose "apologising" by knitting little jumpers for the birds was a very kind gesture.

    1. 'killing causes terrible suffering to the victims' - oh, that made me smile - thank you.

  2. I'm surprised the drunken ducks didn't wake up while they were being plucked!

  3. Jabblog, you and Aril find the most amazing blog posts! This was great!

    1. Thank you, Debby. I'm a collector of useless information . . .

  4. This is great, I'm imagining ducks in handmade knits!
    Alison in Wales x

  5. I know - it's a lovely vision, isn't it? x

  6. Of course I feel sorry for the ducks. Can you imagine waking up and having all the hair on the top of your head plucked out. At least we can just put on a scarf. I'm chuckling at this story even though it would not be very nice. Hope you had a lovely Christmas.

    1. It would be a horrible experience.
      We're all on the mend now, thank you.

  7. Drunken ducks - what fascinating little tales ... I haven't been to Ambleside for 60+ years! Happy memories of the area though ... Happy New Year ... cheers Hilary

  8. Lovely part of the world. Happy New Year, Hilary.

  9. What a collection of lovely duck stories. The all made me smile.

    1. There are so many strange things happening in the world - it's nice to hear about them.

  10. I'd heard some of those stories before, and would you know I've been to the Drunken Duck Inn in the Lake District! xxx

  11. I can believe it, Ann - you know my homeland better than I do :-) x x x

  12. Great collection of stories, thank you.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you, and all the better for at least one of them being true!

  13. I love these drunken duck stories. They gave me a well -needed smile.

  14. I would love to have seen Star in his bow tie.


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