Thursday 21 December 2023


An unexpected gift

It’s a pleasure to receive an unexpected gift – the wrapping, the shape, the weight – all intriguing. Then comes the joy of unpeeling the paper to discover what is hidden inside. If a small child is opening a present, the accompanying narrative will run along the lines of, “I wonder what it can be?’ and ‘What do you think it is?’ and, if you are the giver, a rather nervous, “I hope you like it’ and “If you’ve already got one, we can change it.’

Somehow, the anticipation lessens as one leaves childhood behind. Very often, we know what we’re receiving. In years past, when my husband was frequently away for weeks on business, I would be tasked with buying and wrapping my own present from him, as well as the rest of the family’s gifts. I didn’t mind – it made me laugh and enjoy it all the more.

 Though he is now retired, I am still consulted about his gift to me, because he doesn’t want to risk getting the wrong thing. I won’t tell you how many years we’re known each other but I would have thought he’d have some clue to my taste by now. To be fair, he has, but he likes to be sure! He knows not to give me things with plugs on – surely every man knows that?

 We have more than enough and need no more but, for our children’s sakes, we accede to the spirit of the season (and also to birthdays) to please them. They’re very sweet.

Anyway, today an unexpected gift arrived in the form of a positive Covid test for Barry. Robert and James have also tested positive. We were invited to spend Christmas Day with Susannah and James and Bethan and Robert were planning to visit us on Boxing Day, but neither of those things will happen now. It’s just as well – we have no appetite for a delicious banquet and would not make entertaining guests as we keep sneezing and falling asleep – not at the same time, of course. That begs the question, do we sneeze when we sleep? Answers on a postcard, please.  

At present we are drinking water and eating nothing, but still dutifully feeding the animals at regular intervals. I hope they don’t catch it – it is a zoonotic disease and the advice is to avoid contact with them. The trouble is that if I do that, they’ll starve, which is not a happy alternative.

I haven’t yet tested to discover if I have Covid or just the lurgy. The headache and fogginess of the last few days is somewhat trying, but as I always have a headache and no appetite before Christmas I’m not too bothered.

I hope any gifts you receive will be welcome and enjoyable!



  1. Good grief...everyone seems to be getting covid for Christmas. I hope every gets past it by New Year.

  2. Sorry to hear of the general unwellness. What a shame your Christmas plans have been rather spoiled. A quick recovery for all I hope.

    Rather than 'we can change it', now I would say, 'Here's the receipt. Get your parents to change it'.

    1. You made me laugh - of course the parents can have the job of changing it!

  3. Oh no! I hope everyone feels better soon.

    1. Thank you - some are feeling worse than others.

  4. Oh dear me Janice ... that is a most unwelcome gift for sure! My sister in law has just tested positive this morning ... it appears to be "everywhere" here again & will change alot of peoples christmas plans. I hope you are both feeling better real soon.

    1. Thank you, Julie - it's Nature's way of telling us to slow down ;-)

  5. Only a few people are still doing Covid tests we have been told just to take it for a flu and take the same medication. Almost the whole population has got 3 or 4 shots so even if you have it it 's just like a flu. Even in hospitals or residences like mine nobody wears a mask. So far I have nothing but the blues.

  6. Replies
    1. I think it's best to treat it like 'flu - don't fight it, just let it fulfil its course.

  7. I hope you are feeling better soon, there are far too many bugs going around this year, I still test for covid, I have a few older friends who we try and protect. Sounds as if you are going to enjoy your quiet Christmas.

    1. Actually, I like a quiet Christmas, not that it was going to be excessively noisy . . . :-)

  8. There's certainly is no good time to get covid. But at the Christmas holidays that does seem to be the worst for family. Praying that you get over this very quickly and without long-lasting results. I'm afraid my neighbors had it the first of October and the wife is still not 100% recovered

    1. Oh, the poor soul. It does seem to hit some harder than others.

  9. Oh dear, I am sorry that your family have caught Covid and you are also not feeling great today. I hope you are still able to have an enjoyable, if different Christmas to the one originally planned. Take care x

  10. Thank you. Lots of incidental sleeping, I think . . . x

  11. There is so much of the dreaded covid at the moment, I was in two minds wether or not to attend our local carol service, but it seems so miserable to opt out of all socialising and live life in fear of catching it!
    Get well soon, all of you x
    I enjoyed reading your take on present giving/receiving, agree with every word....... but especially about not welcoming anything with a plug on 😀
    Alison in Wales x

  12. I believe Covid is part of life now and should be treated in the same way as 'flu and bad colds - keep away from people and don't share it, but don't let fear of it bring life to a standstill. I'm glad you went to your local carol service x

  13. Oh no, not the gift anybody wants to receive. I do hope you will all start feeling better soon. I've been sick since Sunday. The covid test was negative so who knows what is ailing me as there are so many options these days. May you have a Merry Christmas even if it looks a bit different this year. Take good care.

  14. Oh no, that's an unexpected and rather unwelcome gift, isn't it? Although it wasn't Covid, I had flu last Christmas, so I know all about having one's Christmas plans ruined. Hope you'll all feel better soon! xxx

    1. I think it happens when people start to relax from work, but that can't be the case for me, as I don't do anything . . . ;-) x x x

  15. What a terrible time to catch it! Although there really isn't a good time is there. I hope it is mild and soon over.


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