Friday 5 January 2024

Gilbert, one year on . . .


Gilbert, one year on . . .

Baby Gilbert - first night in his new home, relieved to see a big dog to rest his chin on

We took the dogs out for a charge about yesterday and were gone some while. Jellicoe and Herschel were left alone and were pleased to see us when we arrived home, miaouing at the door as we came in. Gilbert availed himself of the chair and Herschel promptly sat on him.

 Gilbert has been with us now for a year. He is a lovely boy with a great sense of humour and we are very privileged to have him in our lives.

How small he was when he arrived and how big he is now!


  1. Your pups and cat are so cute. At my house we say pups, no matter the age. My dog is 12 now and we still call him pup.

    1. Dogs take a long time to grow up so pup is quite appropriate, I think :-)

  2. Gilbert is handsome boy. I don't recall you ever making a spelling error so when I read miauling I had to refer to the electric dictionary. There is a suggestion male cats miaul and female cats meow. Most interesting.

    1. Ooh, I didn't know that, and I suppose kittens mew.

  3. He has such a sweet, sweet face. You are lucky to have your boy.

  4. Gilbert really is exceptionally sweet looking. The last picture is heart-melting.

    1. Stephanie
      I totally agree. In the last photo, Gilbert has the look of a total angel. My children could sometimes pull that off, too :)

    2. Innocence personified. Gilbert has that look down to a fine art;-)

  5. Oh he's such a cutie. It looks as though he was pleased to see another dog when you brought him home. Looking back now, I wish we'd got another dog when we got Archie as I often wonder if he'd have been happier having doggy company.

    1. Dogs do enjoy doggy company but it's hard when one dies because the other mourns. I'm sure Archie has been delighted to have all your attention lavished on him :-)

  6. I see because you're a multi pet family, and it makes a lot easier for all the fur babies in the house to be accepting of a newcomer. Always find that fun to see and hear about.

  7. We always introduce them carefully but they are very accepting - it's lovely to see.

  8. Labradorable xxx
    Alison in Wales x

  9. He was a quite as a puppy, and he's turned into a handsome lad alright! xxx

  10. Hi Janice - he's settled in really well ... lucky animools - I say! Happy New Year - cheers Hilary. (I'll be back on the 13th ... )

    1. Happy New Year, Hilary. Hope your'e coming back from somewhere exciting.

  11. Happy gotcha day Gilbert. It is hard to imagine that it was a whole year ago that we were cooing over your sweet little puppy face.

    1. They grow up so quickly. He still thinks he's a lap dog . . .

  12. What a beautiful fur family you have!

  13. He is a cutie, I enjoyed your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  14. What a sweet reminscence. And yes, they grow so fast, don't they? Gilbert is a charmer!

    1. He really is a very nice dog, friendly and kind.


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