Sunday 14 January 2024

Not all those who wander are lost


Not all those who wander are lost

Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

How true! 

Susannah has just sent me a clip about a drunken Turkish man, B.M. He may have been befuddled by drink but he knew his duty to his fellow man and joined a search party looking for a missing person. The misper – see, all those misspent hours watching television crime dramas have not been in vain! – had been drinking with some friends and wandered away into the woods. His wife, being unable to contact him, called the police.

B.M. and his fellows searched for hours, B.M. not knowing who they were looking for. Suddenly, one of the rescuers called B.M’s name. At this point B.M. realised he was the missing person and had been looking for himself.

How this realisation was received is not recorded. I think there are several reactions that may have been observed:

1: Oh, thank goodness you’re safe.

2: That’s the last time you go out drinking.

3: You’ve made a fool of yourself.

4: You’ve made a fool of me/us/the police.

5: What the blazes were you thinking?

6: How could you be so stupid?

7: How could I have been so stupid to have married you.

8: How could we have been so stupid to let you wander off, drunk.

9: Next time I/we won’t bother to come looking for you.

10: There’d better not be a next time.

I wonder if B.M. had a hangover the next day?





  1. I have always loved that saying "not all who wander are lost". I thought it was from the Hobbit movies but I am not sure.

    1. Well done! J.R.R. Tolkien wrote it in 'The Lord of the Rings'.

  2. Funny, but I'm wondering why they didn't ask his name when he joined the search party.

  3. That is hilarious! I am going to imagine his wife had no need th say anything. B.M.'s tale will be bandied about town for months.

    1. Will he ever be able to hold his head up again?

  4. That's funny! I'm sure he felt foolish at the very least lol

  5. Next day B. M. may well have had bruises from the beating given to him by his wife (Not that I approve of domestic violence...unless it is deserved).
    Really, he did deserve number 4.

    1. What an idiot, but at least his heart was in the right place, even if his head wasn't.

  6. I think 9 would have been my reaction.

    1. I think mine would have been 1 followed immediately by 10.

  7. Some how I can see this happening to too many "wanderers", lol.

    1. Nice of him to join the search, though ;-)

  8. How funny, and thought provoking too. I'm remembering being so relieved when finding a lost dog that the poor thing got a telling off as well as cuddles - talk about mixed messages!
    Alison in Wales x

  9. That's a funny story, although I'm not quite sure if the people involved would have seen it like that! xxx

    1. I think they would have been pretty cross! x x x

  10. I love the way your mind works, which I may have said in an earlier comment, but it's just too difficult to know how to comment on a post like this. Except to say that I greatly enjoyed it and I'm still smiling, which is such a very good thing.

    1. Very kind of you to say that my mind works . . . ;-)

  11. LOL !
    "I wonder if B.M. had a hangover the next day?"

    I'd say there was a strong possibility he did!

    Hope you've had an enjoyable weekend, my good wishes for the coming new week.

    All the best Jan

  12. Thank you, Jan - you , too. Janice x

  13. That could be me at the moment - so much going on - the brain is all a-wander! Love the story though ... fun one! - cheers Hilary

  14. That did make me chuckle and i know at least two people could be that seeker stone cold sober.

    1. Good will and good sense don't always accompany each other.


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