Tuesday 23 January 2024

Microfiction 2


Microfiction 2

 Image source unknown

This was another microfiction prompt from 2010. The challenge was to write a response in 140 characters or less – and spaces are characters!

I had two reactions to this prompt.

#1: She squinted but couldn’t decipher the instructions. She always forgot to read them before getting into the shower. Laser eye surgery was definitely on her to do list. (140 characters)

#2: So this was the elixir of life but must she drink it or apply it? And did she really want to live forever in the present economic climate? (138 characters)

I’d love to know what your offerings would be.


  1. Lol I like them both. Too tired to offer one of my own lol. Baby has been unsettled.

    1. Poor Baby A - poor parents - poor grandma. This, too, shall pass.

  2. I like them both, but I don't think I'd be drinking something that I couldn't read the instructions on. I don't want to live forever anyway, just long enough to see my great-grandson grow up. He is almost one year old now.

    1. You've got grand and great-grandchildren of similar ages, like I have. Two of my my greats are older than my two youngest grands.

  3. I'd have to have a good think about that. I enjoy both of yours though. xx

  4. The bottles of laxatives are so big.
    The print is small and difficult to read.
    l'll sit on the loo, to take it, something
    might happen at either end...?
    (139 characters, give or take a few...counted
    by hand and eye)..

  5. LOL!
    20 characters, only 80 over - veering towards flash fiction. Now, there's a thought . . .

  6. 4711, My Favourite she sighed.

    Not sure if that's the sort of thing that's required? 😄 x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Oh yes - very nice. Succinct. Micro-micro-fiction - just 31 characters. (I remember 4711. ) x x x

    2. 😍
      Alison x

  7. Drink it or apply it. The bog questions in life!

  8. 48 characters - very good. Another micro-micro or would that be macro-micro or maxi-micro?

  9. I particularly love # 1, and I think Alison in Wales is correct in thinking it might be a bottle of 4711. There's still one in my bathroom cabinet to this day! xxx

  10. I enjoyed them both.
    Goodness! 4711 ... that takes me back :)

    All the best Jan

  11. She poured the elixir in the bath and sank into warmth, fragrance and memories of vows of eternal love pledged by a forgetful man. Surely this time...

    1. Aww, bittersweet - hopefully, this one will be the keeper;-)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Twenty years younger? Oh no, do I want that, it would make me only 5!


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