Saturday 6 January 2024



Baby Bertie in the rain, 2011


The rain is raining all around,

It falls on field and tree,

It rains on the umbrellas here,

And on the ships at sea.

Robert Louis Stevenson (1850 – 1894)

It has rained excessively, bringing misery and chaos to travel and business. So many areas have been severely flooded and many people face a difficult beginning to a new year.

It is dreary, on a dull, rainy day, to put away the bright ornaments of Christmas.  Were the sun to shine, the task would feel less glum as the angels, the glass baubles, the silver bells, the ropes of red beads are packed away. My pretty tree has stood for a month or more, but now it must be undressed and stored until needed once again, many months from now. The strings of lights which have shone so gaily, giving colour on cold, dark mornings are now extinguished. They were a source of pleasure and hope during Christmas week as we succumbed to Covid, a feast for the eyes even as we lacked appetite for food.

Now we look forward as the days lengthen, new ventures beckoning to cheer our jaded souls and prove, once more, that the earth keeps spinning, that life goes on. The pyracantha berries are all gone, thousands of them, stripped by hungry birds, and already and for some time, spring shoots reach up to the sky. Nothing deters these fragile plants. They may be battered by rain and wind, frozen with frost and snow, but they survive, brave harbingers of Spring.

Among the trees, the blue tits dash from branch to branch, stopping to pick small insects from the undersides of leaves and crevices in the bark, joined by others of their kin, the great tits and the coal tits. A small flock of long-tailed tits darts here and there and blackbirds and robins, dunnocks and elusive wrens make their preparations for nesting and breeding.

As Percy Bysshe Shelley expressed it, in the last line of the last stanza of ‘Ode to the West Wind’, ‘If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?’


  1. It is raining again here too and we had some thunder earlier in the day. A storm is expected later, perhaps overnight.
    I packed away my few Christmas things last week.

    1. The weather seems to dominate the news at present.

  2. I heard there has been some terrible flooding. Christmas has long been put away here. I am looking forward to the longer days. It seems so dark so early!

    1. We should be seeing longer days soon, but on a dull day night falls early.

  3. I always missed my lights after Christmas, so I added white twinkly lights to my baskets of silk flowers so there is still a bit of light. That helps on the inside some, but my yard is still dark and boring now.

    1. We draw the curtains to shut out the dark but it will be nice when the days are longer.

  4. I hadn't heard there has been floods in your country. That's not great at all, as we have had floods too.

    1. Worldwide there seem to be extremes of weather. Worrying!

  5. What a lovely, poetic post to counter the gloom of a damp and grey January

  6. We are so thankful we live close to the shore, but we have no issues with flooding close to the house, some roads will be under water, not too deep, I can't imagine the hell of losing most everything.

    1. It's so dispiriting when it happens again and again.

  7. The rain has been quite endless here, although we did have a couple of - relatively - dry days during my Christmas break.
    Percy Bysshe Shelley (one of my previous cats was named after him, by the way) was quite right. I always feel that, once we've reached January, Spring really cannot be far behind! xxx

    1. We live in hope, Ann. Today, at least, it is dry and maybe we won't have to draw the curtains at 3:30 . . . x

  8. I took down my tree on Friday, I really miss it already and have a string of blue led lights sway my front window that are lit all day as it is too dark outside. Very little sun here, however lots of sun and it started out at 15F and got all the way to 27. A few inches of snow today and tomorrow then with climate change we are to have severe rain storms on Tuesday! Putting my new Fancy Feast ornament back into the fancy box they provided turned out to be like figuring out a Rubik's Cube! Nutty to say the least, lol.

    1. It's difficult to see how things are packaged - it seems like magic, sometimes. Good luck with the rain storms on Tuesday! We're promised cold weather , but who knows? It changes so quickly on our (relatively) small island.

  9. I so agree with you about having to take down the Xmas decorations when the weather outside is dull and wet.....your description and choice of words are moving, thought provoking....... beautifully written.
    Alison in Wales x

  10. Maybe the sun will put in an appearance soon for longer than a couple of minutes! x

  11. I enjoyed reading that. Time to look forward. The street light near us came on a little later today, and the mahonia is in flower.

    1. Little things like that can be so cheering.

  12. Taking down the tree is always sad but this year I was more than ready for it. For some reason the tree was making me feel claustrophobic! I did leave up the rest of the decorations, my nutcrackers and wreaths and such so it does still feel festive and bright. Tomorrow though everything will be put away but I decorate right away for Valentines Day so there is always something pretty to look at.

    1. It's good to look forward. I'm always so impressed by people who decorate and have different vignettes for different occasions - proper homemakers, I call them.

  13. Bertram looks as if he has been caught and put in time out!

    1. Bertie was always such a gentleman, even as a puppy, but he didn't like going out in the rain. One day, when it was raining, he used the cat litter tray, the only one of our dogs ever to do that.

  14. Like you our decorations are down, but some friends have decided to keep their lights around the mantle up a little longer and I must say they do give a nice glow and a welcoming one.

    Shopping last Wednesday 3rd January and there were already Easter Eggs in the supermarket!!!

    At least the sun was shining today but I do feel for all those affected by the flooding.

    Enjoy the remainder of your weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. Businesses spin from season to season with no time to rest - necessary, when everyone is competing for custom.

  15. What beautifully written reflections on a melancholy task. I do include strands of lights, mostly white but a little color as well, in my "decorating." It adds beauty and, as I grow older, I don't want to wait 11 months to enjoy them again. Baby Bertie is darling.

    1. We keep our candles glowing throughout the year. Bertie was such a sweet dog, quite serious and always so polite.We do miss him - and all the others.

  16. I have taken everything down here too now & the house feels suddenly very bare ... but also clean & fresh looking. I would not mind doing it in the rainy weather - I would put on some music & light a candle I think. It won't be long & you may see some signs of spring Janice. xx

  17. Already there is early blossom on the trees - so uplifting - and today the sun is shining :-) x


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